Kind of reminds me of a 30mm M230 Chain Gun. Anyways, RCWS mounted on a Namer with Merkava IVM’s.
Ya know, since this thing only has a 7.62, gaijin cam put it at 1.0
Everything there won’t have a problem penning it lmao. Just a worse version of that one Swedish 20mm ifv
See the trophy system - We should get this too 😉
Yesterday we saw a lot of Israeli tanks lined up. I saw not only Merkava 4M, but as well Merkava 3D and Namer with the trophy system equipped.
WT already has the system implemented, so its just a matter of adding it to the corresponding Tanks.
Merkava 3D with Trophy in the regular tech tree will be welcome
AirSB should offer gaming mode, allowing to to choose Germany as an allied of US. Currently germany is always in the opposing team.
It would be a fine addition.
A 2A6 with German livery and Dutch crew in the French tech tree does hold a certain appeal.
As a event, squadron or premium vehicle if nothing else.
If the Netherlands are to be a French sub tree might as well go all the way.
The leased 2A6M would not be unique in the German tech tree anyway. I would hope for other variants there.
the terminator should go to the israeli tech tree.
I thought they were never before seen?
I see a panther on wheels
The leopard, totally not being one of the largest export tanks ever.
I’m guessing the first image is equipped to a 35mm Bushmaster while the second turret has if i’m guessing a 57mm autocannon, cannot confirm though
I believe 30 bushmaster 2 on the first and 40CTA on the second.
Interestingly that image uses the same camo netting as the Patria LH40 turret and the VBCI 40
Also it seems that background area is Qatar for both
Looks like Barracuda MCS to me.
dont even know what gun that is as that’s not the 40mm CTA
Aerobatic/Test skin/camouflage for MiG-9 (When’s gaijin going to give us the MiG-9 “E/P” with the 57mm?)
I know, I just like it because it’s a cool picture