Though it was in Swedish service through out ww2, it was never used for bombing and was only used as a reconnaissance aircraft, some Gaijin magic would fix that right up, If the J26 David carries bombs it never had, so can this.
Considering how Sweden’s infamous tests have butchered the Leclerc armor, I think it’d be absolutely horrible taste to give them any up-armored trials tanks. Especially the Leclerc, because it’s suffering from their horrible tests on a pre-pre-pre-production vehicle biting it in the ass today.
I mean you can blame sweden i guess if that makes you feel better because its totally not like its gaijins call to change things so alright.
Additionally i never said i wanted them for sweden. Id rather they go to their respective nation, regardless its just some plastic designs for if the leclerc had won the trial.
Finnish T-34-85 with Stuk 40 L/48 gun. Note the different gun collar compared to standard T-34-85.
The tank in the picture was the one used for the tests, after the tests were conducted, the standard 85mm gun was put back in but the gun collar remained.
I have been searching finnish armored groups journals and additional testing groups
and the only reference ive seen to this thing was a mention of the gun being trialled then replaced.
Mainly looking for the names of Tank commanders but so far i only have the name for Nikki commander.
Finnish T-34/76, 9 were bought by a finnish commander from germany but only 3 were delivered. Of the 3 two vehicles featured the german cupola while the third shown below was an unmodified version.