Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)


This would be a sweet light attacker.

I think we could get quite a few of them since they’re all equipped with different capabilities, not that we need all of them, but each one will likely have different BR’s.

BMP-3M Dragoon | BR 9.7-10.3

  • Thermals for Commander and Gunner.
  • Unique changes and applique armor.
  • 3UBR8 APDS or 3UBR11 APFSDS-T (not available at the time but could be a possibility and affects BR).
  • Prototype vehicle.

BMP-3 w/ 688A-C66-2KP | BR 9.7

  • 688A-C66-2KP cage armor addon.
  • 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.
  • Production vehicle.

BMP-3 obr. 2021 (Berezhok Module) | BR 10.0

  • BMP-3 w/ Berezhok Module, same as BMP-2M.
  • 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.
  • Prototype vehicle.

BMP-3 (Arena) | BR 9.7

  • Arena hard-kill APS.
  • 3UBR8 APDS rounds.
  • Prototype vehicle.

BMP-3 Karkas-I ERA Kit (4S20) | BR 9.3

  • No thermals on this vehicle.
  • 3UBR8 APDS rounds.
  • Prototype vehicle.

BMP-3 Karkas-II ERA Kit (4S24) | BR 10.3

  • Modern BMP-3, Sodema sight included.
  • 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.
  • Production vehicle.

BMP B-19 | BR 10.0

  • Modern turret and heavy armament.
  • LShO-57/AGS-57 57mm automatic gun, 5-shell belts.
  • Unknown 57mm ammunition, not the same gun as the 2A90 57mm gun.
  • 4x Kornet ATGM’s.
  • Excessively tall turret ring.
  • Prototype vehicle.

BMP-3 (Bakhcha-U Module) | BR 9.0-9.3

  • Modern turret and with quick ATGM reload.
  • 3UBR8 APDS rounds.
  • Prototype vehicle.


Isn’t that the classic BMP-3 module with CITV added?

edit -


Yep, its the classic BMP-3 module. Bakhcha-U ejects propellant stubs out the back of the turret, the classic one out the top.

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Thanks for the correction. I thought so but I grabbed the image from a source that said it was the B-module while I was on break from work real quick. I’ll adjust it shortly.

The original BMP-3 with the Bakhcha-U module would only be like 9.0-9.3 since it only has 3UBR8 as its best round and would be comparable to the existing BMD-4. The BMD-4M would be 9.7 since it would have 3UBR11 APFSDS-T.

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AESA radar + S-8 rockets against drones.

To add to the Yak-130M post above


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Why russia didn’t install any AGMs on it? Wouldn’t AGMs be more efficient than guided bombs on a sub sonic platform?

weight probably, you get a bigger warhead per total mass with a guided bomb compared to an AGM where you also need to package fuel

But AGM has more range compared to a guided bomb dropped from a sub sonic jet. AGMs would give the jet some time to go into defensive position.

More than likely can use those weapons, looks like a weapons expo

Where Manul

i love manul


“the body is round” XD

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BMP-3 ‘Manul’ | BR: 10.3-10.7

  • Armed with a 2A42 30mm autocannon, 7.62mm PKTM, and 4x Kornet ATGM’s.
  • Appliqué armor for increased protection.
  • UTD-32 Diesel Engine with 660hp.
  • Unmanned ‘Epoch’ combat module.
  • Laser Warning Receiver.
  • Prototype, planned to enter production at some point.
  • Real Manul(Palla’s Cat) and catnip included.

Manul BR: ♾️

BMP-3 (Shtora-1 APS) | BR: 9.3

  • Armed with a 2A72 30mm autocannon, 7.62mm PKTM, and 2A70 100mm cannon with GL-ATGM’s.
  • Laser Warning Receiver.
  • Prototype vehicle only.



Adding onto this, has anyone heard anything new on the BMP-3 ‘Manul’? I heard it was as supposed to be in production but nothing came of it as far as I know.

They want to make an uodated version with better protection against drones, basically to give it cage armour, maybe more depending on what army wants from it.
Additionally, I dont know if to believe it for not, but they noted the vehicle will UTD-32T engine producing 816 HP.
And about it’s future: it hasnt been even tested yet, but army seems to be interested in it, hence the reason for updated version.
But for certain they’re not accepting it anytime close during the war and it the testing itself can take several years. I am hopeful it gets accepted, but that’s it for now.

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A light attacker is not going to operate in a threat enviornment. It is not going to need to go defensive because it is dropping bombs on dudes with AKs in Hiluxs

it’s first developes for export, now the army are considering it, but changing the producting line needs time and money, so you know the rest

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Manul looks cute


Sprut-SDM '24 with add-on slat armor


I love Paul: