Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Sukoi SU-24 Fencer


Absolutely beautiful aircraft, amazing history, odd development, and the first aircraft with a 0:0 ejction
(Yes Im aware it was based on the Dassault G-6 and GD F-111 visually)


Another domestic USA jet aircraft rank V for researchable tree (unfinished)

  • FH-1 Phantom (6.7)

  • FJ-1 Fury (7.0)

  • F-80B-1-LO (P-80B-1-LO) Shooting Star (7.3)

  • F9F-6 Cougar late (Pratt & Whitney J48-P-8) (8.0)

  • F-89A Scorpion (7.0)

  • F-89C Scorpion (7.0)

  • F2H-2N Banshee (7.3)

  • F2H-4 Banshee (8.0)

  • F3D-2 Skyknight (7.0)


All i want from my wishlist is more of the planes i have suggested make it into the game.

(XB-42, Su-30MKK)

US M4 Composite Firefly
Very few photos exist of M4 Fireflies for US Army converted by UK.
80+ M4 And M4A3s were upgraded to Firefly configs by May 1945.
Few M4A3 HVSS were also included in the batch.
There are minor differences between US and UK Fireflies.

The only known image exists (M4A1-like cast frontal section and M4A3-like engine deck section) :

The US Army tested a Firefly config in late 1946, which consists of a British Firefly turret mated to an unmodified US M4A3 VVSS hull, for which some photos exist :

A supposed US M4A3 HVSS Firefly recreation:


Yes! This would be so fun! Especially to bolster the 4.7/5.0 lineups for the US! Give me plz!

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How about adding the General Dynamic A-16 to the game?
I do get tired of the endless copy paste but i came across the GD A-16 program today and it might be pretty cool and fitting close air support variant for the game.
Having stronger armoured wings, a 30mm instead of the normal 20mm M61A1 and 2 7.62mm gunpods slapped under the wings, might be an interesting change for ground RB close up ground striking.
Maybe if it gets limited to cas only, not allowing for it to take a shit load or more then 2 air to air rockets, it could be a nice addition. (Only downside would be that it would just look like another F16… with a green camo atleast)


I’m completely confident that BMP-3 is called the BMP-3 obr. 2020 per Oryx and other sources. Looks like its main differences are the lugs around the vehicle for Karkas ERA and swapped position for Smoke launchers for the additional lug mountings on the turret. Would be a good vehicle after the BMP-3, could receive the 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds and Karkas ERA as Tier IV modifications. Probably BR 10.3, would be an analog to a M2 Bradley addition with BRAT. Might do a suggestion on it.

BMP-3 obr. 2020 with the lugs and removal of the frontal smokes noticeable.

Older BMP-3 seen with the Karkas ERA.


That actually seems fitting to be a Strike aircraft somewhat, and it’s quite unique regarding othet F-16’s. I like that idea

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The XF6F-6, a Hellcat with a 4-bladed prop and the same engine as the F4U-4. Didn’t make it past the prototype stage due to the end of the war and the existence of the F8F rendering it redundant.



Lmao, this would be so cool!

PLA Cheiftan MK.3P

(May work on a suggestion for it)

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Any TECH TREE heavy tank for Swedish (Nordic?) tech tree.
(not counting Kungstiger because it was battle pass)
At the least would like a KV-1A, at most the Kranvagn with the 150mm or with the 105mm.


It’d be nice foldered behind the BMP-3, since BMD-4M will take up the 9.7-10.0 spot between the BMP-3 and 2S25M :pray:

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It’s an Iranian Mk.3/3P, only a single Chieftain was acquired by the PLA for evaluation and static display. So doesn’t meet the addition requirements. Unless you’re Sweden.


Definitely more like 10.3-10.7 material. It has 3UBR11 APFSDS-T (same as the BMP-2M), 9M117M1-3 GL-ATGM w/ 750mm of penetration behind ERA up to 5.5km, Karkas-II ERA with 4S24 inserts (vice the old 4S20 inserts found on the old prototype with Karkas-I) that can stop 30mm AP rounds and HEAT-shaped charges up to 500mm while still retaining its amphibious capability. Sodema Thermal Imager like the in-game one. This thing is disgusting. I did a suggestion on it, it’s pending. I have some fixes I already have to do to it when it’s approved. It’s informally known as the BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ, no official designation yet. Could be BMP-3 obr. 2023 later down the line or just a BMP-3 obr. (2020-2024) with the Karkas-II Package. Can come after the 2S25M. The BMD-4M can come after the BMP-3 in-game but before the 2S25M at 9.7 if it gets 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.

  • Either way a BMP-3 with:
    • Sodema Sight/Thermals like we have already.
    • Long-range 9M117M1-3 GL-ATGM with high-penetration.
    • 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds.
    • Karkas-II ERA package that’s good for KE and CE.


Blurred out the active personnel for forum rules.

  • Also if this comes to the game, we gonna need some BRAT for the M3A3 or an M2A2/M3A2/M2A3/M6 with BUSK.
  • For those who don’t know, here is a comparison of Karkas-I and Karkas II:
    • Karkas-I:
      • Utilizes 4S20 filler, the same found in Kontact-I.
      • Originally used on early BMP-3’s from back in the 90’s-00’s.
    • Karkas-II:
      • Utilizes 4S24 filler, the same found with Relict.
      • Produced and equipped on modern BMP-3’s equipped with Sodema sights.
  • Note: The 4S24/Karkas-II version reuses the same cannisters/same design as the original 4S20/Karkas-I package. Requires a plate mount between the hull and the ERA cannisters before the ERA can be mounted. Both still use the rear-mounted cage armor around the engine compartment as well.
  • It should be really easy to model since its a BMP-3 that can use the original Karkas-I pictures as a reference for modeling the Karkas-II/modern BMP-3 with Sodema. Older BMP-3 with Karkas-I seen below:

  • Disclaimer for Everyone: Kactus is NOT Karkas-I/II! Kactus is a different type of ERA that was developed for the Black Eagle/Object 640 while Karkas uses already produced ERA filler being the 4S20/4S24.

Its a BMP-3 with a bunch of deadweight attached to it. Resisting 30mm AP doesn’t mean much when the only 30mm AP round it would see is the T-72M2 Moderna in the occasional mixed match. Everything else is using APFSDS or APDS.

The 3UBR11 would be nice, but that just makes it like the ZBD04A without the 5 second ATGM autoloader.

Would a fun vehicle, but “disgusting” is a stretch.

Considering how ERA acts in-game, especially being rated for KE to a degree, it’s not going to stop tank rounds obviously but you’re going to survive against some ATGM’s and autocannon fire at range (it’s 30mm AP point blank, at range, APFSDS-T rounds are effected).

It’s all about opinion I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯ lol. Like you said though, its going to be fun.

Yes and no. The hull ERA is designed in a typical anti-HEAT configuration, light structural steel box with multiple angled ERA elements. Like the T-72B3 and T-80BVM Relikt on the turret back/sides.


Which means almost all of the KE effect comes just from the physical steel parts than the ERA elements.

With the BMP-3, likely mostly from a steel backing plate behind the ERA boxes. Which means a bit of resistance to AP at high angles but APDS and APFSDS will still go through like butter.

The turret config is a little different, dropping the structural steel box style and going for a more visually Kontakt-5/Relikt design. But its so thin its likely still just a thin structural steel casing and not a heavy flyer plate design.

edit - I assume those are screens hanging off like the rubber ones on the older design, makes it harder to gauge the ERA thickness behind them.

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Gotcha, I think maybe a bit safer at 10.0-10.3 for its BR then. I just don’t see it below 10.0 because the 3UBR11 is going to cover a lot of ground on its own, then paired with the ATGM and having ERA.

I appreciate the insight.

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