PLA not PRC. The PRC stands for the People’s republic of China while the PLA stands for the People’s liberatin army. If you want to be really pedantic then you can split it into PLAGF, PLAN, PLAAF and PLARF which is the ground force, navy, air force and rocket force respectively. The PRC also represents the governing body of china which is the CCP
I don’t think they meant it like that. PRC was likely just said do differentiate from ROC vehicles that wouldn’t have such camo.
It’s still correct, similar to the French CARC camo because it is from France, these digital camos are PRC camos because they are from the PRC.
There’s a couple more that I’ve come across
BMP-3M “Bakhcha-U” (It’s the only one that actually has a 5 second reload)
BMP-3 w/ PKP-K Panoramic Commander Sight
BMP-3 w/ “Falcon Eye” (another commander sight)
[details=“Spoiler”]Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) - #6305 by Saprano_2132
BMP-3 w/ Addon slat armor and the PPNK Commander Panoramic Sight
And Finally
BMP-3 Vityaz (It’s just new sights more or less)
Also, since this is about BMP-3 and the obligatory yap about its missile reload must happen.
Saying if gaijin doesn’t give us the BMP-3M fitted with Bakhcha-U, they could always maybe model this in? having a fixed ~14-15 second reload would sure beat the current options.
Exactly what MAUSWAFFE said, just to differentiate between PRC and ROC vehicles.
Did they shift new production BMP-3 smoke grenades to the rear of the vehicle? Do you know if there’s any other changes?
Yeah, I didn’t see anything else major change with them. Seems like it’s the same vehicle we have in-game for the most part with the exception of smokes.
Nexter OPTIO-X20:
- Unmanned
- Top speed of only 22.5km/h
- 4th gen thermals and laser rangefinder
- 20mm autocannon with <40mm pen @ 0m, fires at 750rds/min with only 100 rounds stored
- Situational awareness sensor which can automatically detect armoured vehicles within a 500m radius
- Only weighs 1.7t (no sources for engine power though)
Overall a silly little goober that would make a nice low-tier reward for an event
You’re welcome
hadn’t mention as i considerd the upgrades to be to minor/not significant enough to be interesting
I know I’ve shared it before but:

AMX-10 RCR equipped with extra armor, EIREL Infra-red jamming APS, thermals, and more.
Does the vehicle have access to the OFL 105 F2 APFSDS-T round (w/ 470mm pen) or does that require a different gun?
The modèle F2 cannon on the AMX 10 RCs isn’t NATO standard. The best it can fire is OFL 105 F3. I too would like to see the AMX 10 RCR. It would be nice to have it directly replace the current AMX 10 RC and instead move the RC down to a lower BR without thermals (this would historically be one of the earlier models in French service).
There is also the AMX 10 RC with the TML 105 turret which is not stabilised but has the same cannon on the Vextra 105 and can fire OFL 105 F2:
Thanks for the clarification 🤙
I like your idea on the AMX-10 RC and RCR. The RC can be moved down and the RCR can be 8.3-8.7.
Also the prototype variant that can fire better rounds would be nice.
They should give the AMX-30B2 BRENUS the G2, G3, or F2 round and move it up to like 9.3 (max) to differentiate it from its standard B2 variant since it’s unstabilized anyways, that will be its balancing factor. High Penetration at the cost of unstabilized gun.
To be honest, the AMX 30 B2 with OFL 105 F2 would probably be fine at 8.7. OFL 105 F1 already lol pens everything in down-tiers but OFL 105 F2 would give it a fighting chance in full up-tiers where it’s hopelessly outclassed. 9.0 could also be possible though if it does perform too well at 8.7 with F2.
There’s also AMX 30 B2s without any thermals as well. Historically there was a gap between the B2 standard being introduced and French AMX 30s receiving thermals. This could also be an option.
I like the idea. I’m gonna pitch this when we get into the next devserver time and see if it gains traction.
I was going to make suggestions for my idea of the AMX 10 RCs. Just haven’t had the time to do it.
Here’s an image of an AMX 30 B2 without any thermals:
“Early” AMX-30B2 with no thermals could be 8.3, “Late” AMX-30B2 could be left at 8.7, and AMX-30B2 BRENUS could be 9.0 with stronger ammunition like the F2. That would work out well. AMX-30C2 can sit at 9.3 and cap the “30-line”. Creates a full 8.3-9.3 lineup.
AMX-10RC could remain at 8.3, AMX-10RCR could be 8.7, and the AMX-10RC w/ TML 105 could be 9.0 with its F2 or other round.
Speaking of F2, the VEXTRA should receive it and get bumped to the next Rank, giving France a full analog to the M1128 MGS.
Something like that would be cool. But AMX 30 C2 could even go to 9.7 as it would’ve historically had access OFL 105 G2. There’s a few other options for stabilised AMX 30s in the export line too: Spanish AMX 30 EM2, Venezuelan AMX 30 V and VE.