Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

if gaijin volontarely remove’s it’s iglas then yea it could work

Please give us the ability to adjust the bomb fuse timer separately for guided and unguided bombs!

There are many planes that can carry both in the same time.
And it’s just comfortable if you don’t have to remember to change it every time you play with different loudouts.


Is a heli with 14 unguided rockets really worth the effort?

Don’t really see the point of adding it.


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Narco tanks as 1.0 anti air or future mexican tt


BTR-22 (or BTR-82A Improved)

So, does anyone have specs on this thing, like engine, armor/liners, etc.? It shares the same suspension/chassis as the BTR-82A, I’ve heard mixed things on the turret, but it should be a BPPU Combat Module with a fully stabilized 2A72 and possibly wither standard IR Night Vision or the TKN-4GA-02 but can be equipped with the TKN-4GA-03 thermal imaging sight. Could get the 3UBR11 30mm APFSDS-T Rounds. Maybe BR 8.7-9.0 Realistic, gauging since it only has a 30mm gun and basing it off of the VBC’s game-style. If it were to get the Ballista Combat Module as seen on the BTR-82AT prototype, that BR would change.

  • BTR-82A Suggestion for Reference:
  1. Russian 2S4 Tyulpan Self Propelled Artillery
    2S4 Tyulpan - Wikipedia

  2. Russian 9k33M3 Osa

  3. German Schwerer Waffenträger Infanterie

  4. German Battleships Tirpitz and Bismarck

  5. USS Iowa (BB-61)

Would be cool to see M829A3 the next patch, already made a suggestion post about it.

7kg APFSDS + 720mm x 25mm looks juicy.

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i want DM73. It would be funny to have the non-explodable ammo for germany together with all countries receiving new shells or buffs to their current shells

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Looks like this variant could be mine resistant which is a pretty good upgrade over the previous variants.

Mister thats a tank





Did someone summon me?

Anyway whats that on the far left?


It’s a towing target

It’s not non-explodable I think, just insensitive to temperature change

DM63 has 88% less chances of exploding when hit and DM73 it’s 96% the propellant it’s much more stable on DM73, hit with atgms directly with no protection and even apfsds and nothing blew it up, they literally put an RPG warhead directly on top of a DM63 propellant charge
gaiyjan-ples-add-dm63-so-i-can-carry-full-ammo-and-not-blow-v0-0vv0ab0aj8ga1 (1)


So it still go boom

Epitaph, you’re calling the devil don’t do it

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I am at your disposal

Wrong devil