Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Only kv-1 finland can get is the 1942 version and the kv-1a as Smin stated the KV-1B wont be going to the finnish tree. Would love if more minor nations got TT heavies pls gaijin gib me my hungarian heavies.

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Prototype Leclerc?

During the swedish tank trials one of the designs the french engineers came up with included a beak armor design for the swedish version of the leclerc had it been chosen. Thats just what ive read online but id love to know more cause if there is an actual version of leclerc with beak armor would be dope.


Considering we already have the Bkan 1C, adding the AKV 151 would literally be pointless. As for the Kranvagn Turret, it really shouldn’t be that big of an issue considering the Ho-Ri is in game and it never made it past a wooden mock up. Also considering the E-100 is game following the same rules but with a turret that was never planned for it, the Kranvagn shouldn’t be a big deal.


R-77s and R-73s for the Yak-141, the Su-33, and the MiG-29KR.


A KV-1 is a KV-1, I’ll take it.

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Only problem is if we get the 1942 model what br is it? Same armor as the german 5.0 one but with a worse gun. Sweden doesnt have a 4.x lineup so regardless theyll still be lacking a proper lineup. Id love to see the Niki come since funny up armored t50 would be pretty unique.

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Also its been a minute, last time i spoke to you was that 8.0 sweden match last week.

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A yeah that’s right lol. Also what’s the Niki? I haven’t heard of it. Is it like the low tier Soviet T-50 Light Tank but just with extra armor? That would be fun.

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T50 but more armor than the early t34. Turret face is still uncivered but from all other sides it has more armor. Would be fun at 2.7 or 3.0

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That sounds very chaotic. I want it.

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Funnily enough, I’ve already voted yes for that lol

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I wish the finnish tree would’ve included more than a singular unique tank like the bt42 but alas we got C&P

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Yeah, it’s disappointing. Would like that one Finnish BMP prototype with a 25mm Bushmaster tho.
Another C&P that I strongly dislike is the 4 Swedish Centurions, in a row.

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Personally instead of the leopards we got from finland i wouldve rather seen more unique finnish vehicles such as the patria’s with their many different models. The 2a6 was a poor choice as it took away from germany. It shouldve been added maybe after germany got the 2a6ex and the later 2a7v model. Also more german light tanks pls.

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Yeah, I’d just like to see more unique tanks in general. Then again, it doesn’t help that basically every Swedish tank is just an upgrade of existing things.

Not really, gaijin just need to focus on the cv90s for top tier and obscure 50s-70s prototypes for mid brs

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Updated pilot model?


ight i feel like posting again

Ansat-2Rc , a goofy russian trainer / export heli
