I saw people saying in the old forum that this tank has armor comparable to the Abrams.
let me guess , german main’s
Probably 😁
i would have defenetly seen better looking from us … but it would be interesting i guess
Us, french, are the champions for creating ugly boomers but at the same time I love them all.
like for exemple the Breguet Br-482
doubt it. Pantsir’s long range is not so long, when longger than 8km, the missile’s mobility is awful, and in 8km, it still can’t deal with high mobility planes like other spaa. While 625e uses FB-10A, which is a F&F missile, like a big type-81. With a rader and gun, it can hunt every thing down within 10km.
lol, Chinese like to modify their products to fit any requirement of their customers, so you can find a same vehicle with many versions. And they like to keep upgrading products even it haven’t been sold to anyone. You can see from CS/SA5 to Type 625e, and changes in VT-5.
That’s why their products often lacks many detail information, part for secrecy, another is modify ability. Find a nice thing on exhibition or product manul, list your request, and your dream can come true.
In this way, even Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire can afford VN-22(with wma-01 turret).

It’s a really good business strategy
P19 CK Chasseur de Chars
Ignoring what nation owns that hornet, get ready for 10x AMRAAMS - 8 in dual rail launchers on wing hardpoints and 2 on the wingtips…
at some point
But gives gaijin a reason to not fix something XP, “this is the version what we made, you are ask another”. Like the reverse speed of ZTL-11, it upgraded transmission, but rejected by gaijin. Imaging gaijin give you the Senegal ver of VN-22, like eating 1$ hamburger in golden plates.
That thing is a 40mm CTA gun similar in deaign to the ajax…
To be exact, the first is the VT-5, the second is the VT-2
VT 2:
- 120mm
- Additional armor (KE protection) frontal and flank for fighting compartment on turret and chassis,
- Measures to reduce IR signature in the engine room area,
- Fire suppression system in the fighting compartment.

VT 5:
- 120mm
- New round sight periscope RTW 90 with day and night channel (WBG) at commanders,
- Additional armor (KE protection) on turret frontal and lateral,
- Fire suppression system in the fighting compartment
yea … I posted these images in the forum as well … don’t recall if its this one or the old forum
YES PLEASE! I’d love that.
You uploaded them just a few months ago