Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

Improvised Rocket Launcher Device, I.R.L.D.

I don’t know that ammunition. But you know what? Because of the love I have for this little tank, I’m not going to oppose it!!!

Regardless of my fanaticism, I would also like to see light vehicles in rank 8 when we get it. I just love LTs.

In my opinion, a squad when I enter a game should be varied and offer various game options, depending on the map and the circumstance of the moment. I like to have 1 MBT (+1 backup), 1 LT, 1 SPAA, 1 fighter-bomber and 1 helicopter, and if possible a TD. I always play at rank VI and VII, but it is at rank VI where I have enough options to build these lineups. At rank VII, most nations only have MBT.

That’s why I almost don’t play with Israel. I love Merkava’s, but I really get bored quickly when they destroy my Merkava 4 and all my respawn options are other equal or slower merkavas and 1 plane (which ends up being a must option).

Something similar happens to me with China. ZTZ96 + some light vehicles (although ZTL11 is horrible) end up being more fun than having 4 ZTZ99s.

Actually Eitan IFV, VT-5, M-10 Booker or a new TAM would make me play more at the highest levels and the games would be more varied, entertaining and of higher quality.

The game in the meta is currently monotonous and repetitive.

Every day I learn something new.

I’ll add it to my wish list.

and I will also leave this beauty around here


Damn, 500mm at 2000m for a 105mm is amazing

It is, and at an angle of 60°!

the 105mm are still alive and in good health and M-10 is the best example of this.



Better map rotation


Yeah a lot of the ammo for most guns in game is at most late 90s. For instance the m3a3 chadley could get better apfsds rounds and nato 120mms could definetly get better rounds.

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Man, these poor F16 got an uptier

isnt that a F2 the bigger F16 though?

Oh yea it is. I forgot it existed

16" guns

I hate what you’ve done


Yeah, I was just thinking about that today. I was playing the Pbrv 551, and was disappointed by the rediulous drop on the TOW-2 missile. I searched for a video of the TOW-2B firing, and came across a humvee with one, seeing a TOW-2 Hummer would be lovely for a few tree’s I think, I just can’t remember if Germany outfitted their hummer equivilent with one or not.

India Mig-29K with R-73, R-77 and Kh-35


my wish for the next update is that map rotation gets fixed. because it is bugged. gaijin can deny it, but its bugged. i dont want to see flanders 6x on a row.

but hope and dreams shatter quicker in this game than suger glass in a michael bay movie.

Panzer 68 ET


soviet ATGM poster

More goofy early ATGM carriers please


T-72B (e) Basically what we have in-game but with no ERA, potential for 9.7 or a premium maybe?

T-64R, an upgraded base version T-64 armed with a 115mm gun. Potential 9.3 foldered with the T-64A as a possibility or 9.0 limited to 3BM15?


T-72 Ural, base version of the T-72 lacking strong turret armour and UFP upgrade, no LRF, potential 9.3 again or 9.0?


Leo 1A1, stabilised Leo 1, perfect for 8.3.

Leo 1A3, stabilised with new welded turret design, 8.7, potentially foldered with the 1A1 and perfect to go with the TAM in the 8.7 lineup.

Leo 2. The first production run Leopard 2’s (it’s weird that the game starts with the 2A4). Potential 10.0, but probably a bit strong still?

Leopard 2


Is that a swiss tank? It looks like a crazy swiss design.

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