Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)


It carries Mavericks. Basically an A-10A, but a lot faster, more agile, and better climb rate. 1,160km/h top speed (mach .85) vs 642 (at alt)
61m/s climb vs 25.3
.8 TWR max vs .62
191kg/m2 vs 482 (lower is better)

It’s got a lower payload, sure, but it would be a far, far better fighter than the A-10A (Late). I could see maybe 10.3 but I’d rather avoid another broken missile bus, especially since 10.3 will be fighting many flareless subsonic aircraft.

Sure yeah I just didn’t want to put repeat vehicles in the list and would rather have a sorta mid-life Alpha Jet than a nerfed very early version, especially with the A-10, A-6, Su-25, and Harriers giving all the other big nations an all-aspect armed attack aircraft.

Every country should have an 8.7 HUMVEE TOW equivalent.

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IMO Poland and Czechoslovakia have more than enough vehicles by themselves to each be a separate, full tree. I’d rather not the two be combined, because that could mean overcrowding of vehicles could push out some cool stuff from the tree at certain BRs. Poland in particular is overflowing with interesting and unique IFVs that would be a shame to compete with limited tree space with Czech IFVs.
Though I know a lot of people have a somewhat bizarre distaste for copy paste vehicles (even though the country literally used them???) which is the state of Poland’s rank II and III. At least in the ~500 vehicle tech tree I’ve compiled. Though IDK if Czechoslovakia would remedy that. Either way, this isn’t really the place to discuss trees lol.

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I wouldn’t necessarily say that, there’s ways to add both in the same tree.

That’s just all politics which has nothing to with being in game

Praga? To no one

Yeah, i know that both nations could be seperate. There are some things i would want to say but i dont want to discuss it here in this tread

Then I’ll make one lol

Politics is a big decider for what is added to where, it’s not the only one though.
Why do you think the U.K is getting India and South Africa?

Meanwhile the USSR is slow to get NATO compatible modernizations.

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Like a discussion/tread about new TT? You know that there will be a lots of people in comments that there should be no new TT before they fix the game

The A2 variant could also be an option. Gaijin should add the IP module (as a researchable module), M900 and Lahats. It would be competitive scouting at rank VIII.

I currently carry the 2C as a scout at the top level, but I have a lot of problems destroying rivals, especially the Russian MBT’s.


M900 is good but i propose we add the mecar 105mm m1060a3 shell which should be better than m900 looking at its stats. It supports any stanag 4458 guns.

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My wishlist will probably have to be:
Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4/T.3
Rapier SPAA
Type 45 [Royal Navy]
Type 23 [-||-]
River and Hunt Class ships [Royal Navy]
Fixed Starstreak HVM
Marlet missile for the AH Mk.1 and FV4333 Stormer
Scrimtar Mk.2 with anti IED stuff
working anti IED for the Challenger 2F/2H (TES)
working camo net for the Challenger 2F/2H (TES)
Actual tank maps for modern eras not infantry maps
More Light Tanks for the UK

Improvised Rocket Launcher Device, I.R.L.D.

I don’t know that ammunition. But you know what? Because of the love I have for this little tank, I’m not going to oppose it!!!

Regardless of my fanaticism, I would also like to see light vehicles in rank 8 when we get it. I just love LTs.

In my opinion, a squad when I enter a game should be varied and offer various game options, depending on the map and the circumstance of the moment. I like to have 1 MBT (+1 backup), 1 LT, 1 SPAA, 1 fighter-bomber and 1 helicopter, and if possible a TD. I always play at rank VI and VII, but it is at rank VI where I have enough options to build these lineups. At rank VII, most nations only have MBT.

That’s why I almost don’t play with Israel. I love Merkava’s, but I really get bored quickly when they destroy my Merkava 4 and all my respawn options are other equal or slower merkavas and 1 plane (which ends up being a must option).

Something similar happens to me with China. ZTZ96 + some light vehicles (although ZTL11 is horrible) end up being more fun than having 4 ZTZ99s.

Actually Eitan IFV, VT-5, M-10 Booker or a new TAM would make me play more at the highest levels and the games would be more varied, entertaining and of higher quality.

The game in the meta is currently monotonous and repetitive.

Every day I learn something new.

I’ll add it to my wish list.

and I will also leave this beauty around here


Damn, 500mm at 2000m for a 105mm is amazing

It is, and at an angle of 60°!

the 105mm are still alive and in good health and M-10 is the best example of this.