Yeah, you are right…we dont want to make mods angy at us.
Fear the Czechoslovakian engeneering. BTR-50PK VOLANT
Btw, this vehicle would have the slowest missiles in the game as if the missile would be added it would look like this
More information if you want is posted here in this comment
I love this unusual type of vehicle. We rarely see them on the battlefield (I’m thinking of vehicles like the Caliope, Russian multiple missile launchers, etc.)
Yeah. As most of the rocker launchers are used as indirect artilery. But these were ATGMs. It would be the slowest ATGMs in game and key guided so it would be pain in ass…but still probably challenging but satisfying when you get a kill with it. Hell…i could post few more interesting Czechoslovakian vehicles here…maybe
Do you hate Italian R3 with 2 recoilless rifles? Meet Czechoslovakian sisters. OA Š-971 Jarmila which has 1 recoilless rifle and her sister OA-82 Jarmila II with 2 recoilless rifle
Guns are 82mm vz.59 cannon. Jarmila had max speed of 78km/h and Jarmila II is able to reach 80km/h. Armor on both are weak as the max amount is 12mm.
If gaijin adds the a10c. I bet he that they’re gonna bring in the YA-10B as a premium
Germany definetly doesnt need those. Weve got more than enough light tanks of our own.
Weve got at least 33 vehicles that could be added and that germany either used or helped design. Or are politically connected to unique tanks.
Theres enough to create 2 new ranks of vehicles.
Does Germany have a 120mm light tank?
While it’s C&P it should at least still be considered as a possible addition.
But is a 120 necessary? Also we could get (as far as i can tell) the th400 with a 120mm.
But i just dont see how a 120mm would be that much of a dealbreaker when they could give other l7 guns m900 equivalents.
Youve also got the tracked boxer fire support vehicle with the 120mm. From both my list and the official list of potential additions i can safely say germany doesnt need to become sweden2
High subsonic, agile, good ordinance, AIM-9L
Post pen mostly. I find 105mm lacking and gets me killed more often then not. Could be a skill issue, but if I don’t get a kill in one shot or sufficiently disable the tank that pretty much means I’m dead.
Russian tanks in particular are prone to eating 105mm.
That not a light tank…
Functionally in game it is
Oh, thought that was the KF51 before I saw Lynx.
My bad.
Aha, very understandable.
The turrets look very alike indeed and their camo doesn’t really help either.
Yeah ive got complaints with gaijins definitions of some tanks.
Like the argentinian medium tank TAM is considered a light tank in war thunder with similar protection to the leo a1a1, better mobilty, the same gun, a laser rangefinder, and a bigger first stage ammo stowage, at a lower br.
It feels strange to see things such as AMX-10P being classified as SPAA or the plethora of SPHs being classed as tank destroyers, but I guess Gaijin picks and chooses what it classes certain vehicles. Almost surprises me that the Type 87 RCV or BTR-80A aren’t considered SPAAs.