Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

I don’t know. Something middle eastern. Doesn’t have to be Iran

The entire suggestion is nonsensical, the only reasonable thing to do is treat it as a joke even if it wasn’t intended.


Yes this makes 100% sense. Iran is gifting israel rockets directly after all

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Poland had a blood feud with Germany, only reason they stopped is because they hate Russia more.
Ukraine has had a blood feud and would rather fry the servers then be put under Russia. Only reason they’ve been calm is because they’ve been left on their own post Soviet collapse.
Turkey has M60 and F-16, but they’re one step away from getting kicked out of NATO because they keep pissing the U.S and the rest NATO off.
South Korea has a blood feud with Japan still, they only called down because they hate China more.
North Korea makes sense.
Iran and Israel? That’s like putting the U.S and Russia together as the same tech tree except in the Middle East.

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I can see the Ukrainian and Turkish idea, but not the Polish and Iran.

No no no no no

T-80BM (Object 219M)

After Rank 8 gets implemented for Ground battles I believe T-80BVM should move to 12.0, with T-80BM (with or without proposed 1400 HP engine) should be 12.3.

Now you can see it doesnt have Relikt side ERA for its hull but does seem to have both UFP and turret (even side) ERA Relikt. Doesnt have 3RD gen thermal imager for Sosna U (3RD gen is a replaced russian thermal imager), but it has 2ND gen “Plisa” thermal sight for its 1G46M sight (like one found on T-80U but upgraded, unsure yet what was changed, will make sure to check later)
This is photo of 1G46 and Plisa thermal nearby (not from inside of T-80BM, this is just for reference of their placement).
2E42M gives same 40° turret rotation speed as 2E58 found on T-80BVM.
Gun and autoloader is same as on T-80BVM we have in game.
1400 HP engine was created and proposed for T-80BM, though I am unsure if it was installed on only prototype. (2006-2008 development process, 10 years earlier than T-80BVM acception into service date)

From T-80U theres such changes as: 2A46M-4 gun with autoloader modified to use rounds with length uo to 740mm (basically 3BM60), they both seem to use T-80UD (same T-80U) turret, theres two prototypes, one fitted with NVG, second prototype is with “Plisa” 2nd generation thermal sight, 1G46 sight remains for both.
I am suggesting to add second prototype, shown on second image with Plisa thermal sight.
T-80UE-1 has 2E42M-1 stabiliser, getting it same 40° as 2E58 found on T-80BVM.
Now theres a lot of minor and not changes to the vehicle, same as for T-80BM that dont really much for War Thunder.
T-80UE-1, on par with T-80UA was accepted into service in 2005 (IIRC), I am not sure if there were any orders or amount of T-80 tanks being upgraded to T-80UE-1/T-80UA standart.
Edit: There is around 30 T-80UE-1 made with thermals and autoloader&gun upgrade to use 3BM60.
I do understand if ratings seem unfair, and I would honestly add 0.3 to each of suggested vehicles, but knowing how long introduction of Rank 8 for Aircraft is going, with there still being no 12.7 BR planes whatsoever, it will take months, ages.


Alphajet A at 10.7? For what reason?

Just why, the BVP M-80 barely has Soviet components and has more in common with Western IFVs…

It is same as with Praga M53/59. That vehicles have 0 things to do with Russia. Whole vehicle was made in Czechoslovakia. But because Czechoslovakia was occupied by Soviet Russian like whole Easter block, Gaijin decided to give it to Russia.

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Kinda like Indian T90S, except here the occupation wasnt even there in time T-90S was bought.

Gajin do what they want when adding vehicles that related to nations that are in game there is no rule on them

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Yugoslavia was neither directly nor indirectly under Soviet control, so it still doesn’t make sense even from a “faction” POV.

Yeah. There are for 100% things that they could have added insted of T-90S as for sure UK have things there. Russia didn’t need Praga as they already have enough goo SPAAs on that BR, like that BRT with ZSU-23-2 strap on it.

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Yup, it doesnt…but Gaijin is Gaijin…sadly. Still hoping myself for future TT of Czechoslovakia + Poland mixed together…and maybe even for fun Ukraine as sub-TT (not only to make Russian mains angy, but due to today situation that is still on going.) . And premium/event/squad/filler tt vehicles could be from Yugoslavia and Baltic states.


All sounds fairly agreeable bar the limited integration of Yugoslavia

With Yugoslavia it is pretty hard for it to be added. I dont think they woul have enough vehicles to make their on TT but enough for sub-tt size…but to where? Russia? Nope. To one of the country on the west? Still think no. So i think their addition would be possible if they added in future a new TT from country on Easter EU and best nations for that is mixing Czechoslovakia and Poland together as there 2 nation would greatly fill each other gaps that they have.

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Yugoslavia is easily one of the best nations that could still be added independently, I don’t quite know where the notion of a lack of vehicles comes from.

They’d have unique aircraft at all tiers, unique tanks at all tiers and they would have a (quite) limited naval industry.
And this isn’t just minor modifications either, there are some very major differences in many of their modified imports as well as having entirely domestic airframes and chassis’.

I’d argue it would be a superior addition than either Czechoslovakia or Poland even.

Dont know about that lasat sentence as Czechoslovakia have a lots of vehicles. Im sure you are aware of the guy here on Forums that is already working for 2 years on Czechoslovakian TT (ground, air and helicopters) and the TT is pretty huge.

To be honest i didnt know how many vehicles could Yugoslavia have as i never much looked into it. Czech here so my bias will be on different TT for to be added XD XD XD