Wishlist for Russia (WIP)

Your best post on the forum.

T-72B2, T-80UE-1, T-80BM, Terminator BMPTs and it’s prototypes. probably that one BMP3 with 57mm and two ATGMs.

not top tier by any means but considering how were gonna hit a dead end… ill put them in the list

T-80BM should be better than T-80BVM, as well as Terminator BMPTs and that BMP3 thing will be higher BR than rn in light tank tree.

i cannot find any mention of the BM, can you share info?


Heres my comment about it, if you dont want to read originals.

How is that sad, it is literally history, that is almost like complaining about the Abrams X

Yes,but there are ukrainian vehicles that could be on a sub-tech-tree.
Also this is unlikely to happend due to the war.


It’s sad because that’s The End of WarThunder

a sign of it at least…

War Thunder reaching modern tanks is not an end lol, more likely a salvation from having to introduce newer and newer tanks, and a freedom to finally focus on gaps in Ground TTs.


and the majority of update addicted players will wait for that?

For improved line ups, unique cold war/modern era prototypes near top tiers, newer helis and planes, as both of these directions have places to move.

Its a sad thing when players themselves think the game is only about the content and a new supply of it. How about a good game to actually use the content we have?

Br issues, Era issues, Map issues. I don’t care if Gaijin never introduce another vehicle again just give us some era specific maps and era specific sizes. I’m sick of the WW2 Cold war era overlap where I have to fly miles in an old prop in GRB because the map was made for Jets and fighting fast cold war armour with modern tech in a slow old WW2 tank. It seems nobody at top tier are happy about the game either.

Gaijin should take a year off producing any new vehicle and concentrate on the dying game.

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Not real.

I’m sure Gaijin will believe there is more to add or assumes there is more to add so we’ll get more.

You and i share that opinion. But i dont think gaijin or the 14yo playerbase do.
They just want the next top teir.


lol yes and I think we forget that we share the game with them. Oh well!

Having their ufp armor nerfed to historical real world performance. They dont need anything else.

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T-72B3 model 2023


T-72B2 Rogatka



Object 477, 477A and 477A1


Object 292




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