Hopefully soon. It’s as much legitimate as the west german M-48s
When IS the Next update?
somewhere during early/mid march
BTR-82A, basically a BTR-80 with a stabilizer
BTR-90, basically a BTR with a BMP-2 turret with a Kornet.
I mean its just a simple copy and paste with a East German Roundel
twn m1919 gun?
cant this hold like 18 PL-15 right because its holding 8 PL-15 on its wing pylons tho and I think it could hold 10 internal Pl-15
just so we have it once again in the wishlists, this is a part 2 and i still didn’t see any of it so i’m gonna go first.
naval CIWS on land goes hard
If only we could actually have CIWS systems in War Thunder
Would be way too cool if players that can’t spawn in tanks anymore could just man a stationary CIWS near the battlefield
BREN with 100 round pan drum mag.
M163 Vulcan?
Passed to devs, has no connection with when it will actually be implemented. Some take years, some take weeks.
Yes ik that
I want to know if there any chance we can get it soon
Definitely needs to be added to the Visegrad Tree post. Probably like 8.7 for BR.
Edit: I added a post at the bottom about it 👍
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The F/A-18A isn’t on par with those it should be the C unless it wouldn’t be able to come with Aim-120’s. The A could be the one of the CAS platform in sim and ground if it isn’t over BRed
Both two definite adds. BTR-82A, BTR-82AT, BTR-90, BTR-90M, BTR-22, all of which should be added as well and that’s just Russia, there’s several other country’s with awesome IFV/APC designs that should make it in-game I want to see too. 🤙