And anti-ship Mokopa (wooo, greeeen)
On another note, still waiting for Rooivalk
There is the reason why they keep the mast on the rotor
Maybe when they kick the bucket info on interesting stuff like this and the 120mm gun might come available
F16I sufa סוּפָה
armament:python4/5 ,i-derby/derby er,aim 120(b/c),aim 9l,popeye 2 agm,Delilah,spice(250,250er,1000,2000),lizard(2,3,4),mglb bombs,paveway series,gbu39,gbu31,gbu38,etc
Hopefully it comes this year
will we ever see mortar carriers in WT? I would love to.
Probably not indirect mortar vehicles but maybe vehicles like the Patria AMOS:
Also a CV90 with a similar system to the AMOS:
idk, american car with american missile
Used by Canada so Commonwealth so UK
Canada stuff can go to US too
- NORAD and neighbors
- origin of vehicle and missile
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2S44 “Giatsint-K”