Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 2)

Is that a train with wheels xD


Did someone say Thomas the tank engine ? lol

I don’t want to go off topic but there is a huge amount of quite modern vehicles that could or should be put in at a relatively low tier.
It seems to me that Gaijin seem reluctant to do this for some reason.

I suspect its due to a clash with modern and WW2 or maybe it is a little respect to those who love WW2 and not just destroying that aspect entire,although I am so sure TBH.
I sit time to split the game into two divisions so we can have 1-5 BR of newer faster vehciles possibly for Nations we don’t already feature like Turkey,South America, Middle Eastern Nations or India. So much light ,fast stuff that may conflict with the lower BRs as they are.
It would also skip the historical /political issue which seems like a millstone around Gaijins neck when it comes to implementing fast modern vehicles into the game, like your suggestion.

This is based on a presumption based as usual on any form of communication from Gaijin.
I just think Gaijin need to unshackle themselves form the past to move forward.So may suggestions killed by real politics and a reluctance to mix new and fast with WW2 overall.

It’s a U.S. vehicle and Canada isn’t a sub tree for the UK so it goes to origin nation.

Not used by the US, it’s used by Canada

I got seven Mac-11’s, about eight, .38’s
Nine 9’s, ten Mac-10’s


Yes, and? There’s Canadian vehicles in the U.S. tree already.

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There only 1 and it’s already a mistake, calm down

It’s perfectly fine, and there’s like 3 or 4 vehicles in the U.S. tree.

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T95 mated with the turret of T54E2 and the T140E3 rifled 105mm gun.


I just want furry body pillow for every nation




Just know that character for the current pillow is a male.

It is? That is one really hot man then

Yeah lol, it’s a Japanese mascot for a RADAR installation. His name is Omaneko

So you find animals sexy? We have a name for your type in my country : ) .


@Yontzee supposedly the premium (2nd one) pillow is the genderbent version

Bruh what 🤣