strange, i never saw anything about the osa being captured, interesting.
would be nice tho
and yes, i saw your suggestion too
strange, i never saw anything about the osa being captured, interesting.
would be nice tho
and yes, i saw your suggestion too
Sad but nothing.
I wish we could call MMPM with a datalink in the game.
CITV may have been considered, but since it would not be used for shooting, it would have been the current 360° camera. The prototype does not appear to be ready for a 16MCV CITV to be installed.
Damn that sucks. I appreciate the info!
Yeah, Cockerill has already sold over 300 3105 turrets (the ones used on the Boxer MGS, but also on the Leopard 1A5BE, the Kaplan MT / Harimau, the Zorawar, the Tulpar, the MPF and especially the ones on the LAV 700 chassis).
For those interested, here’s a list that shows all of their turrets:
What I meant was that Australian and Canadian stuff can be implemented into the British tree and would make much more sense than India.
I said that Australian and Canadian stuff would make much more sense than Indian stuff for the British TT. Get it through your head please.
Since when it has anything to do with Sabrah and Israel?
It’s joint venture of Austria and Spain, equipped with Italian Hitfact I 120 turret in this case.
He probably got it mixed up with M60 Sabra
Everything gets a Cockerill turret O_o lol. Honestly kinda cool though.
Looking at the Franco-German situation regarding the DF105, will all the Cockerill mounted plarforms at 1 point in future end up in Belgium subtree as well?
[thats already the Boxer, Patria, CV90 in the game now]
lol, that’d be something.
I think, he mixed it up with Filipino-Israeli Sabrah project which also uses ASCOD hull but with Israeli 105 turret.
He might’ve thought there are two variants, 105 and 120, like many modern AFV based modular projects.
You hate gun depression, dont you?
Not really, as thé franco-german coopération for the DF105 had both countries invested in it almost equally, while the three vehicles you described had only minimal intrest from the Belgian government, with only really Cockerill being partially in the project, as they supplied the turrets and fittings. According to the ruleset they apply for the Suggestions all of these three vehicles would not be allowed in the Benelux subtree.
There are regardless over 30 unique other Cockerill turret-vehicles that would be suited, like:
Or the countless other Cockerill turret + piranha IIIC or piranha IIIH vehicles from the Belgian armed forces that work together closely with Cockerill.
This game is in dire need of jet powered flying boats!