2nd one slightly resembles the new J-36, look at that top intake and the general shape of the front bit
No more magachs please
Dude its not operational yet how do u know it can carry derby?
From what we saw israeli f15s cant take derbys
Its evident by Rafael (derby manufaturer) that f15s are compatible with it on the pylons used for sidewiners
this is from a official rafael video (i circled the derby clearly visible on it wing pylons)
this if from boeing official, u can cleary see derby compatibility
No β¦ there can never be enough Magachs, Leopard-2s and T-80Us
Damm thats cool
I didnt know that
Well idk how gaijin gonna model this plane cuz everything is clasified about it
instaed of the copy and paste i would rather gaijin adds this for israel: HVDS/ADAMS spaa,SPYDER-AIO spaa,Merkava 4 barak,Hafiz,Pereh,Sabara mk3 with iron fist. this would bolster israels tree significantly aswell on top of this gaijin needs to fix the useless spike atgms
I suppose we will see 4++ planes like F15EX,F15IA,SU35S,J16D,Euro fighter tranche 4 by mid 2026 .
by the pace gaijin is modernizing the game i wouldnt be shocked to see the appearance of such veichles as they are on the horizon of addition anyway
not very difficult to model the f15EX , just take the f15E we have already ingame, GIve it Maws,better rwr,better radar,more weapons , newer and more powerfull engines,newer mfds and there u go β¦ u have a f15EX
Merkava barak is hella clasified and in the current state its not gonna have diffrences from the previous merkava 4m exept aps which is better but we dont know how much
(Hell the current aps is maked up cuz irl ik it can shoot apfsds if its a long shot like the black knight)
Unless gaijin will implement some new mechanics like auto steering to the target if its scouted or shot at u idk
How better radar? How better rwr?
Aiframe changes?
Tbf, merkavas need a massive buff becuase they are have craboard armour ingame, hafiz,pereh spyder-spaa and hvds/adams need to be ingame
its a little bit lighter than the f15E airframe, the f15EX/IA has a modern aesa (apg 82) its EW suite is the epaaws which surpasses the TEWS which f15Es use. it beats it it threat detection speed and resilience to enemy jamming .it also features a MAWS( a rwr bassicaly that detects IR missiles)
U are currect
There is tons of bugs report on the merkava but gaijin does nothing about it and the funny thing it should be hella strong like on par with 2a7
If gaijin just fix the merkava u wont need the m4 barak
yea u right
Yea but how u gonna model it?
how strong the radar or the rwr?
lighter af by how much?and drag?
U cant make things up u need specific data
am not making up anything ( it literaaly what the f15EX is compared to the f15E) , also how do u think they implimented the f15E ingame?, the regular f15E is still highly classified by boeing or usa
Idk ofc they maked some things up but there is limit