Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Can’t wait for the smoothbore PCB round, lol.
And if you’re designing a new tank in 2020+ … why still include a 120mm smoothbore?
Why not scale up i.e Rh130 or Ascalon 140 or 152mm? or go telescopic i.e Ascalon 120?
120 SB is 1980s tech. And the nation is surrounded by 125mm using adversaries …

Magach 7A



a man with a beard and mustache is smiling for the camera


I’m personally a fan of aircraft variations and attackers so…
I’d like to see these at some point.
A-29 Super Tucano for Brazil (Italy, and possibly the US?)


Further A-4 Skyhawk variants A-4M for US (Seen in the Picture below), A-4SU Super Skyhawk for Singapore (JPN or US), AF-1B/C for Brazil (Italy)


Lastly the Hawker Hunter for Singapore (UK or JPN It’s basically the F.58 with two-times the missiles)




Try Japan


JPN or UK in my opinion, it could be either one. Just as the A-4SU comment above it. (forgot to add both apologies)

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I don’t think the UK’s high tier needs a whole lot more that can’t be supplemented domestically or through the subtrees they already have. Singapore could definitely help Japan a lot more.


You’re thinking of it too much through the War Thunder lense. IRL the main targets of tanks is infantry and lightly skinned vehicles, and you need a lot of ammo to be able to clear multiple positions before needing to pull back for a refill. Going to a bigger gun means less ammo for only marginally better performance against those targets, and the 120mm is already able to cut through any MBTs they face, so the extra performance against tanks they get from the 130mm isn’t worth the trade-off.

That’s understandable, I just think an alternative to the 9.7 F.6 might be nice, but yeah Singapore to Japan would be a good idea.


Instead of the A-4SU, the UK could get the A-4K (Kahu) to fill the same gap (and not deprive Japan of a vehicle it needs.)


For the UK yeah that’d be nice. However my suggestion was for the US or Japan to receive the A-4SU, though your idea sounds better than mine XD
(Basically I just want A-4Ms and such for any country that can have it I guess.)

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Cool … but real world is also coming up with 120+ mm guns … its not just me speculating/hypothesizing.
I merely reflected as to what’s already happening in other countries and will be happening in other countries.

Thought the Magach 7A was in the game already?

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7C is in game
7A should slot between Gal Batash and 7C

Ah, wonder what the differences are between the A and C. (I looked and it appears to be armour, might be a good side-grade / foldered vehicle) Thanks :)

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The industry is coming up with bigger guns, not the users, and I trust the users know what they need more than the people who want then to replace their entire stockpile with their new gun.

VCI 8x8 Dragón, armed with a Bushmaster and a couple Spike missiles.



fair enough