Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

BR 12.0 or 12.3, but guided Air-to-Ground munitions not better USAF, British army & IDF

Domestic indian attack helicopter better Apache AH Mk.1 ?

Better Lynx AH Mk.1 ?

It can be tech tree vehicle but under no circumstances it should be premium pack.

We already have Al-Khalid which is an amazing tank at high tier.

The T-80UD 478BE should share the same FCS as the T-90A but I may be wrong about that, the difference in-game wouldn’t be that much as both vehicles would have bad gun elevation speed. The biggest thing carrying the T-80UD 478BE would obviously be the improved reverse speed and welded turret, it would function as the best CQC T-80 in-game.

Here is another top angle photo of the 478BE clearly showcasing the welded turret

The 478BE should also get access to the domestically produced Pakistani Naiza APFSDS, it would funnily enough perform better than the best kinetic penetrator China currently has if implemented correctly (that munition being the DTC10-125, the Naiza was also manufactured using depleted uranium).

The 478BE is basically a baby T-84 lmao


But Ukraine did modify T-72s. ?

But Kyrgyzstan not. Sorry, i didn’t made it clear, but second sentence was about Kyrgyzstan military and not Ukraine.

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Some low-tier wheelie bois wishlisting:

The T18E2 Boarhound should get added to the UK TT, as it was made for UK and was actually used in combat. (The original 37mm T18 should’ve been the US one but oh well )
T17 Deerhound/M5Medium for US TT coz M8’s non-TT for some reason. And M8 for UK and BeNeLux.
Staghound Mk.I for BeNeLux, Italy, Thailand and Mk II & III for UK.
Humber MkIV for UK and BeNeLux
Rhino HAC for UK as non-TT
Coventry Mk I for UK TT and Mk. II as UK non-TT
Sd.Kfz. 231 as a German TT low tier Spz Luchs.

Id rather see the Sd.Kfz.231, the 232 has the (in game) useless big antenna.
I actually made 3 suggestion some time ago, for Sd.Kfz.231 Serie.5 with 30-40 mm armor, 180 Ps engine.
Sd.Kfz.233 Serie.3 (75mm gun, 30mm armor)
And Sd.Kfz.231 Serie.2 5 cm Pak 38 L/60

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the 5cm version looks bizarre tho

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[quote=“ofekk213, post:1624, topic:1492”]

Bro where did u get this pic could u give the exact source?many thanks😁

It was from a PDF of a book about the HVMS we found. DM me on Discord so I may send you a copy (new forums don’t accept PDF uploads for some reason).

My discord username is ofekk213

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you can zip it, zip or rar is accepted by forum

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hear me out gaijin, we need more unique vehicles in the tech tree. so i thought:


stridsvagn fm/31 or Landsverk L-30
the wheels could be operated with the same keybind as the funny sight on the CTWV RCV(p), Strv 122B PLSS, and object 775.

link to forum suggestion:
Strv fm/31 - The Swedish Transformer.


could it mount a tgp for the bombs too? if the aircraft cant self designate targets then gaijin tends to not give it guided munitions

a message have been sent via discord

thanks !

happy new year, had to change PC


Ukrainian SU-25 deploying AASM HAMMER’s

Mirage-IIIO-ROSE-I of the pakistani air force (ex-australian air force)
with AIM-9L , guided bombs , upgraded rader (Grifo M3 , from the ROSE-I upgrade package) , etc : Mirage IIIO ROSE I




Mirage 5F ROSE II of the pakistani air force (ex-french air force , Mirage 5F)
basacly the 5F with the rose-I package , but the GRIFO-3 radar is replaced by a nose mounted navigation FLIR , new inertial navigation system was installed, together with an encrypted radio.



Mirage 5F ROSE-III , further development of the ROSE-II package given to the mirage’s that hadn’t been retrofited.
additionnal upgrades includes a new head-up display, a new multi-function display, and a Chinese-made radar warning receiver. ROSE-III also allows the instalation of new localy made weapons like the H-2 and H-4 SOW, the Takbir glide bomb, and stealth nuclear cruise missiles such as the Ra’ad Mk-1 and Ra’ad Mk-2 were integrated with the weapons suite of the aircraft



a south african bucaneer with the RAPTOR-I
[Mirage 5F ROSE-III with the RAPTOR-II ( A television-guided version of the H-2 was launched at a mock target from a distance of 60 km by Mirage 5F ROSE-III fighters of the Pakistan Air Force during a firepower demonstration on 6 April 2010,)
the Takbir glide bomb is bassacly already present in game with the LS-6 , since it’s a local development of it
Hatf-VIII Ra’ad MK1 and 2 , air dropped from a mirrage



A ROSE IV upgrade was also offered, but not taken up. It was based on the ROSE III upgrade standard, but it also included the installation of the Grifo 3 radar, AIM-9L/M capacity, as well as the Dart targeting pod, derived from the Litening. A chaff/flare dispenser and a radar warning receiver were also planned to be added.

and finaly pakistani B-57


yea that’s anoying , anyway since i dont have that PDF myself ill also message you via discord (if i remember how to do it ofc) name start’s with L (minuscule) and ends with 2


I see F-15I Ra’am armed SPICE 1000 first time 😮

3 images last week from X (twitter) platform



asuming you dont know about spice-2000 then on it