Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Yeah, we seriously need more improved T-72s or T-80s which house a improved transmission. It’s getting tiring playing the same bland T-72 or T-80 in-game with the limited reverse speed (I’m looking at you T-80UD/T-72AV).


Like the PT-91 for example

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Still vexs me that the finnish t72 was just a basic A instead of adding something uniquely finnish with ERA a 890hp engine and 22 kph reverse.


Research, effort, love into their models and Gaijin will never go together (there will always be exceptions however lol).


There are too many already

I-190, the Ultimate Chaika. Had a 1,100hp M-88 engine, and was armed with two 20mm ShVAK cannon and four 7.62mm ShKAS machine guns.

The I-195 was a further evolution of this, having a strengthened fuselage and a 1,450hp M-90 engine.


Thats so unbelievably dumb i love it.

Yeah, imo both variants would make excellent premium/event vehicles.

High performance biplanes are just cool in general, and I already love the base I-153… so this would be like a dream come true.

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Are there even any images of the T-72 Finmod?

You know adding one doesn’t mean the other can’t be added?

I think there might be one, it really doesn’t matter as much as documentation. In one of the few cases where id rather see what gaijin would depict it as. Aspada might know if there are any. My finnish is absolutely horrendous. Now if it was Danske id be able to read through their archives but alas i suck lol.

this is the FIN mod 1 iirc no pics of mod 2 exist but the main difference would be the transmission and engine as they scraped the 120mm cannon with DM 53 idea early into FIN mod 3.

Still would’ve been better than 1 unique tank on launch. And having a unique vehicle near the later BR’s that isnt useless (cough 9030 FIN cough) would be great

F-15I Ra’am and F-16C/D Block 40 Barak II

F-15I Ra’am armed SPICE 250

F-4E Kurnass 2000 and F-15I Ra’am carry AGM-142 Popeye

AMX Ghibli from italy tech tree lack Lizard II laser guided bomb



This one should’ve been a event vehicle instead of regular T80UD.

Damn i want this NOW.

Btw did they improved FCS? hopefully it has better turret rotation and gun elevation.

There’s most likely a reason why it isn’t, related to current real world events.

A french squadron jet


Nah, i would agree if it wasn’t from Pakistan and was more known/famous, so they’re probably just holding on it for a Pakistani subtree or premium pack.

Now, the Thai t84 is another question, even if it’s added under thailand flag it’s one of the most famous Ukrainian vehicle. So i’m really interested how they will handle Thailand ground additions.

No it shouldn’t. It would be better as a tech tree or a pack.
Events is cool and all but locking every unique vehicle behind it is stupid.


I just wish we got Ukraine in some capacity.

Also sad that Kyrgyzstan never modified t-72 we got so i probably won’t see any Kyrgyz tanks in the game.

According to the Dutch governments National Military Museum, the NF-5A could carry 2 to 6 AIM-9J sidewinders:


NF-5 Freedom Fighter - Nationaal Militair Museum.
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It could also carry laser-guided bombs:


Some more pictures:



It also lacks Opher bomb, but it would be too powerful as for aircraft at br of 10.7