Current D should be 11.7 anyway, not 12.0, it shouldn’t even have to think about worrying about ARH’s
Before you say “Oh, tHaT’S goT To bE pHOtoShOpeD” it’s not, do a bit of research.
If i’m not mistaken it’s one of the Cavalier Mustang COIN aircraft
Literal gremlin car
“We have UH-60 Blackhawk at home” look ahh helicopter.
Nah it’s closer to the SA 365 Dauphin/AS565 Panther and their Chinese counterpart the Z-9
Its a US Army F-51D (2 seater) chase plane.
The Zhuhai Airshow this year gonna be lit lol.
I’m really looking forward to that ZTZ99 with APS and hopefully some more ERA coverage like on the sides. Not to mention, all the new 6x6’s and 8x8’s like the one you posted.
+J-35 and the new attack choppa (less-likely)
I think the T-100Z should have been the dreams come true vehicle, the KV-7 is cool but its not grand enough for the anniversary, at least compared to the the previous ones.
Its based on the T-100 tank and uses the same 152mm cannon as the KV-2 for its primary weapon, the secondary turret housed a 45mm cannon.
Both the hull and turret were made but were never used together, it was instead used as a pillbox in Leningrad. But going from the last anniversary tanks this would not be much of a problem as both the hull and turret stats are known and have even seen action.
I’d say Israel since it’s jointly developed by IAI intended for the Turkish Army, while the Russian Army wasn’t interested in it
Besides there are other options the USSR can have in terms of squadron vehicles
It’s a Kamov and prototypes are in Russia, Israel also wasn’t interested in it.
It belongs in the Soviet tree regardless.
If the case Israel should get it because they put some avionics in it then the T-72AV should be in the Italian tech tree because of it also had Italian tech.
I made an Executive Decision that the game needs a Two seat F-117 (B747 modification optional)
Shame the pics are so poor, but thats what happens with such super secret types
I’m trying to do research here but i can’t find crap, just like 1 reddit post about it that was rather empty
Edit: think i found it, is it about the F-16 GCAS?
Also found this pic with a logo of the project
It’s a F-16A that Sweden acquired for testing. It was to fill the role of JAS, but they decided for a domestic product, the Gripen. There’s minimal info on it though.
It’s not VN-22, seems a new chassis, and the turret is like a model, possibly a 105mm
VN-22 is distinguishable for it’s front
ah gotcha, the GCAS seems to be a block 25 F-16D so def way different versions