Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Huh, ok. My knowledge on the topic is limited, especially since most of it was picked up here on the forums. :p

XX-20 had a functional ammo rack to my knowledge, uses a similar “rack by rack” system as the Strv 103 in the hull; before it lifts it into the main turret system and loaded, but that’s just what I can speculate.

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Cool. I did not know that.

This one, while blurry, shows a mock up, excluding the bottom right image. (BR was the only working prototype)


Yet again the same only working prototype


(I’m Swedish armor nerd if you wouldn’t have been able to tell yet)


Just found it’s official designation, apparently it’s UDES 19



I really like the goofy one built on the top of the 103 (also UDES 19 early prototype)



Very cool stuff. Wish it was in game.
Annoying short thing with just a gun for a turret and behind a hill
Entire enemy team

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A faster and more accurate M901, UDES XX-20 is the most likely of the bunch to be added, as the 19L had to be manually loaded, and the 19E didn’t have a functioning gun.

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Makes me like Sweden even more
(I like Sweden because bunch of funny and cool thingies)

Indeed, also, on the one built on the 103, it shows its autoloader, which is the same as the XX-20 used. Most likely electronic or hydraulic, equal bypass pressure hydraulic is most likely (separate but equally pressurized vessels that push each arm at the same speed to keep it level to the breech) which would then grab the round (similarly to the Strv 103’s pre-existing injector) and inject it to the gun while the arms retract, being able to then fire and repeat.

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That’s a lot of knowledge. Any idea what the reload time would be like, and what rounds it could shoot?
Gaijoobles, please gib.

It’s just a bunch of fancy words to explain a simple mechanical principle. It would be nice to see.

(Another way to explain the loader is the Bkan 1C’s type loader but upside down)

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So speedy reload, and probably good ammo, unmanned turret, but probably not great survivability.
9.7+ material, probably. What say you?

Considering it’s 120mm, and it’s smooth bore, it’s probably going to get DM23, so it’s probably more 10.7/11.0 material. Simply because you can sit hull down and are impervious to everything except bombs and missiles.

Just think of a Strv 121 that you can’t even hit firing rounds every 3-5 seconds.

I believe it’s visible in a photo; but you can genuinely sit in a ditch and fire off rounds constantly without being seen.

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Ok yeah, gross under-estimation on my part.
Definitely top tier material.
Functionally unkillable when hiding behind a hill, unless killed by CAS, while reloading every 4 seconds (if Gaijin autoloader speeds are anything to go off of) is definitely going to be up top.
Btw, did it have a Stabilizer and/or a LRF? Currently assuming yes, but ya never know.

I’m sure it had a LRF, can’t speak on the stabilizer though, it does certainly have some system, as you can see during firing the gun is staying level.

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I’d say it didn’t, and didn’t have an autoloader, so 9.7 is probably the spot for it.

Would it have entered P:P1 it would have probably been equipped with both.

Hmmm, ok, enlightening, but we do know the technology for the autoloader exists, so I say we do some things and say the autoloader existed but wasn’t mounted, but didn’t have a LRF or Stabilizer, and make it 10.X ;)

wish list: AN/TQW1 avenger, m113a1 (tow) for USA, M1167 HMMWV TOW, Fv101 scorpion 76 and 90mm, M113A1 MRV (Australian m113 with scorpion 76mm turret), Alvis Saladin armored car, Ferret MK5 with Swingfire ATGM, M113 ACAV with 106mm recoilless rifle, m151a2 with tow launcher (no particular reason to add most of these just stuff i think is neat)

First glimpse of Canadian Leopard 2A6M being upgraded to Leopard 2A6MC2
The upgrades are still not disclosed.


INGA, She’s a bit slow, a little bit clumsy, but charming in her own way…

There’s currently only three parasols in the game - D371/3, PBY, H6K. About time we had a fourth to protect us from the sun and rain…

Fw159V2 D-INGA.

OIP (5)