Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

did it have functional turret?



I don’t think so, but allegedly the autoloader was fitted, do take that with a grain of salt though. This is an artist representation.



Dont you dare doubt Polish engineers!
(give them enough vodka and they will mount a working V12 inside Mt. Everest)


I, highly doubt it, but idk.

If the UK had modified this domestically similarly to how Korea modified theirs this could have been very good for the UK.

ah, the Polish T-34-85 vismod à la Leopard 1.
Honestly, would like this in WT. Polish/Visgerad TT when?

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Well … S.Koreans did not modify their ‘Abrams’ strictly speaking.
Chrysler offered them a variant, derivative of their XM1 Abrams design (likely to suit SK’s hilly terrain and also easier for them to produce, since they had no prior knowledge/experience of tank building or designing).
It had trade-offs compared to M1.
Talking strictly the OG variant here, the K1-88 didn’t have bustle ammo storage and was powered by a 1200hp diesel engine.
But on the upside, it did have partial hydropneumatic suspension & hunter-killer capability compared to standard base M1 of the time.
It was a slightly smaller & lighter design.
UK was looking for off the shelf solution for Chally 1 replacement and Leo 2 was nearly finalized. It was the then Gulf War performance of Chally 1 that convinced them to invest in local development, leading to adopting Chally 2 upgrade.
But rest assured if Leo 2 or its close 2nd choice M1A2 were adopted, some minor mods would’ve been included as well. (like the tea boiling vessel is an absolute must).
[The diesel Abrams came too late or could’ve beat both Leo 2A4 or Chally 2]
(Ideally I think, adopting Leo 2 chassis + Vicker’s Chally 2 turret would’ve been a better solution. Local development + their beloved rifled goodness mated to a more capable hull with better performance à la modern Vickers Mk.7Pro … and the new Chally 3 would’ve been more closely related to Leo 2A7)

Nope it was only a concept. Only scale models and visualisations

that thing is gonna bully anything’s side armor altough pen isnt as good as other 30 mm its still pretty good

that shape looks familiar

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Still love this design lol, though iirc its a CV chassis they used for the mockup right?

new image dropped
different gun barrel?

compared to this earlier variant:

likely has some relation to the VN-11 IFV’s 105mm light tank variant

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Yeap CV-90 hull with mockup turret

Yup, it’s a CV90 hull, tactically speaking it would be a CV90120, with “add on composite and electrical active camoflauges” honestly makes more sense to use Barracuda MCS on a CV90120 than a system that can break by LMG fire.


Just add ghost pls lol

Correct a CV90120 not only chassis but turret too

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Huh, i was always told it was just the chassis, neat, still we need more 90120’s

not new, still the same vehicle in original pic, the left one, and according to some analysis, they are same, just 1 traditional barrel, 1 with new sheath
and the VN-11A(exported ZBD-04A) hull with 105mm turret, it’s turret is from the new 105MM assult vehicle, though shorter turret suggests that it may not have autoloader.


The plan was to make it a fully crewless turret but wasnt fully possible so they used a Cv90120 and recovered it in this weird composite pilates of some shorts or maybe just dummy pilates for showoff