Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Superer Hornet

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Eastern Europeans try not to make yet another one-off prototype IFV challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

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Any stab?

Never hits the production line simulator

Doesnt matter. Still can be added if CZSK TT would be added

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Ducati F104 skin when?



The Strv m/21-29 with a 37mm puteaux SA18, the same cannon that is on the FCM.36.
Strv m2129 with 37mm Puteaux
It would be awful but it would be entertaining. I only really want it due to the age of the vehicle, a modified LK II from WW1 in Swedish service, making it barely usable at 1.0.


Will be a worse vehicle than what French 1.0 used to be

Never knew the swedish modified the LK.IIs, very interesting, i added it to the WW1-Interwar 1939 Suggestion.

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Will be another finland situation , all ctrl-c ctrl-v vehicles in the tt , all uniques in the premium section

I mean gaijin could actually make some unique finnish vehicles a part of the TT but theres like 3 people who openly voice their discontent, not like a bigger voice would matter anyways

Yeah a few were modernized in 1929, and of course some were used for testing things such as weaponry. A different 37mm cannon from Skoda was also tested, not sure which model though.

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VEC (Vehículo de Exploración y Caballería), early version equipped with the AML-90 turret.

After Spain successfully developed the Pegaso BMR-600 series, a cavalry reconaissance vehicle was created from the BMR platform, known as VEC. At first, it employed a wild variety of equipment, including the AML-90 turret, 20 mm automatic guns and finally, a Bushmaster automatic cannon.


It would be German (also owned by Germany in a German bataillon) tank with Dutch crew in the French tech tree.

European army when?

germany already has enough shit, and honestly copy pasting the same vehicle in every tech tree doesn’t feel right


Exactly this! So many Leopards going around, just like the F16’s. Some machinery really loses their exclusivity this way. I get that some countries are lacking in some departments, but copy-paste shouldn’t really be a go-to. I used to ask for F16 for Germany to somewhat fill a gap and give Germany a fighting chance, but I stopped doing that after I realized it was not a great solution.

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It’s about time the dexterious SU-33 was introduced.

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imo they should stop adding more modern shit until they fix the game, it feels like they’re just adding more content on top of a pile of trash


Yeah, but modern stuff makes people grind and grind harder (and cut corners if they able so)

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Now that im thinking of 1920’s Sweden, the Pbil fm/25 with a 37mm Puteaux SA18.
Just like the Strv m/21-29, it would be awful, barely a 1.0, but its so good looking that i want it regardless.