Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

T-64BM2 ‘Bulat’

  • Probably one of my favorite tanks, the T-64BM2 is the epitome of the T-64. Armed with a 125mm KBA-3 smoothbore gun, a 3rd-generation thermal imager, Nizh-1M explosive reactive armor which is superior to Kontact-5 and is widespread on the vehicle, a new 1,000hp turbocharged diesel engine pushing 22.2hp/t, and a gun-launched missile dubbed the Kombat, the T-64BM2 is a straight brawler. The only drawback it has is the use of legacy munitions like the 3BM42 APFSDS-T round. This can be fixed utilizing the P99 TAPNA round or using what information we have on the 3BM44U1 APFSDS-T round (no official statement exists of it either being a mockup or completed project so we don’t know) which gives it an excess of +500mm of RHA penetration. Easter Egg Alaska License Plate as well.
  • With these factors, this vehicle can be added at BR 11.0-11.3.

I believe you, the Mirage 2k was the gold standard for tailless delta winged jets at the time but the Tejas Mk 1/1A is a smaller and lighter airframe with:

  1. Different wing mounting (mid wing vs low wing on the mirage)
  2. Different wing planform (compound delta like on the viggen vs simple delta on the mirage)
  3. Different inlets (no shock cones)

Not to mentions completely different avionics and FBW control laws (this is where the Dassualt engineers helped initially, it has since been replaced by in-house software)

The Mirage 2k was much liked in the IAF service which is why they decided to procure Rafale recently and dassault engineers were consulted in the initial design phases. In the end however, the Tejas is its own domestic project with only superficial similiarities with the Mirage.

unlicensed copies or purchased from China
likely some sort of sanctions breach

Leopard 2A5S of the KMW company (29 pieces were made in Germany), August 3, 1998, at the Tender in Greece, with a German crew, as well as a Greek one for testing. Since the gaijin refuses to add the Leo 2 TVM-1 (min./max.) of Germany, then we can take a different path, right gaijin?


I haven’t heard such information, maybe you are confusing the Swedish project

Iran modified T-72 with Nizh(?) ERA and 6TD engine got from Ukraine.
and a T-55 with 6TD


looks hilarious


This must be the fastest T-55 modification

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They can’t do that, friend. Because it will be copy-paste and so on

Best thing is, that isnt a small gun. That is 75mm so it could pack a pretty punch. And best thing is. it was called “Želva” a Turtle

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IS-7 obr. 2024


Tank seeing major renovation in museum doesnt make it another version, which is what obr. means


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Poor driver. Still remmeber a video from Chiftain showing inside of pike nose in Soviet tanks…unpleasent looking place

Sadly i have to tell you, thats not a turret, thats simply a Sd.Kfz.7/1, where the gunshield is folded for transport.(Couldnt find a better angle pic, but a link to the Forum Topic would be nice, id love to look through them too, you can also post your interesting (mainly german) finds also Here in this Field Mods and more Topic.


F/A-18F Super Hornet: Long-range Devastation

  • Well damn…that’s 4x AIM-174B’s (aka SM-6’s), 3x AIM-120’s, and 2x AIM-9X’s on a F/A-18F (two-seater version). Even has an IRST sensor with the fuel tank.

Interesting, it seems as though the Germans weren’t fond of folding the shields, I almost never see any photos of the travel configuration.

I’ll drop the link to the forum thread in a few hours, the bookmark is on my PC. There are around 800+ pages primarily composed of German armor, I’m sure there is more hiding among them that could be applicable to the game.

I saw you renamed the German field mods topic to be more inclusive for all nations; I’ll be sure to post there in the future.

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Czech BVP-M2 CZ. From quick looks, its pretty much new IFV, only same things is bottom of the hull, wheels and track.




you forget about TGP, it also presented here

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As promised:
Be sure to give each page time to load images as sometimes there are many more than you may initially perceive.

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