Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Thanks! 👍

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A pretty rare Indian SPH prototype
APC-70-105 SPH
Based on APC-70 (reverse-engineered from captured M113) with a turret mounting the L13A1 105 mm gun (derived from FV433 Abbot)



Half-track with L/70 KwK/Pak 42 gun

… …
Anybody got idea of the few half-tracks modified to mount L/57 Pak 41 squeezebore guns?


Matilda Mk. III with early Cromwell style turret mounting the 6pdr. 57mm gun


HMMWV Hellfire boi…equipped with the Ground Launched Hellfire-Light (GLH-L) missile system.

Speaking of…

Need the Hellfire Longboi too…

And the associated Sgt. Stout which has the Longbow on its rails 💀


BMP-2MD: Lack Of Thermal Signatures…

  • Finland’s upgraded BMP-2MD, a serious modernization that would bring a nasty autocannon vehicle with enhanced thermal sights for the Gunner and Driver, and LRF to the tree. Several modifications were completed on the vehicle along with it later receiving new Slovakian 30mm guns. The question of where it should go depends on if it gets working Berberys-R Thermal Netting and the type of ammunition it gets. If it were to get standard 3UBR8 APDS, maybe like BR 8.0-8.3. If it gets like MECAR M929 APFSDS-T rounds for say, BR 9.0-9.3.

Note: The MECAR round suggested above would be a placeholder since Finland doesn’t use it. I selected it since it’s a western designed round for the 2A42. Ammunition is a balancing factor in the game…for better or for worse…

BOV 8x8: Slovakia’s Redux

  • A well-equipped vehicle, the BOV 8x8 is Patria AMV XP 8x8 that houses a Slovakian-designed TURRA 30 turret. This turret has a modified, high-quality 2A42 autocannon built locally by Slovakia, dubbed the GTS-30/N, that is chambered in 30x173mm NATO standard. This give the BOV 8x8 full access to all 30x173mm NATO rounds (including APFSDS-T rounds) while retaining the 2A42’s high rate of fire to devastating effect. Not to mention, it also has 2x ready-to-fire Spike-LR missiles and a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. The vehicle features the latest battlefield C2I and has an efficient fire control system with the latest thermals and eye-safe LRF. With its capabilities, it easily sits at BR 10.3-10.7.

Opinion: Honestly a completely solid design from Slovakia. Slovakia has always had an in depth defense industry but lacks funding to purchase its unique/high-quality developments like the famous T-72M2 Moderna, the T-72M1A, 155mm SpGH Zuzana, STROP II, etc. Seeing this be added to the ranks of the Slovakian military is a huge win as it adds a much needed firepower and carrying capability. Very effective (and good looking) vehicle.


How is it that this has an official nickname but still no official M number?

Completely agree. I’ve been looking for any M-designation but I haven’t found anything. I’m sure it has one, even an XM-designation at the least.

Prototype turret for the Pizarro IFV armed with the Meroka, a 12-barrel 20mm calibre CIWS that can put out 1,440 rounds per minute (24 every second, so 2 per barrel).
Quite an unusual weapon system to say the least, all the more reason I want to see it in a future Spanish tree of some sort.


Immersion Ideas:

Refit at Airfields and Helipads:

  • Being able to change your loadout at helipads and airfields would be immersive. If the threat environment changes, being able to swap to different weapons or go from an AA-loadout to a S2G loadout would be very advantageous.

Functional Artillery w/ Ranging Capabilities:

  • An obvious and well demanded feature. Having functional artillery would be quite fun but it would be best served on large maps with an increased player count. Likely should be a cap on the amount of artillery a team has in one match, may be overwhelming if everyone were to spawn as artillery and have a map slugfest. Specifically if everyone runs to corners of the map and shells random areas.

Forward Operating Bases (FOB’s):

  • Gaijin has already thrown the idea around for allowing reloading at spawn points but having some maps actually have modern FOB’s with full reloading, possibly limited repair capacity, and other features would be a unique experience. Should be relegated to large maps only.

  • Note: Just to provide a layout idea, would need more than one exit to prevent other teams from locking the enemy team in the base.


  • I’d like to see desert, desert urban, or thick forest maps with mines and/or IED’s. I think having functional IED jammers would be quite fun too since we have them on some vehicles. The explosives could be scattered around with random vehicles or roads. Spawn points can have some minefields randomly generated around to keep the enemy guessing each time if they push your team back. This could also provide reasoning to add mineplows to certain vehicles, maybe having players coordinate more on what to spawn with so there’s more cohesion.

Togglable Unit/Misc. Identification Markings:

  • Being able to turn on and off serial/minor unit markings/identification/licensing/weight markings in the customize vehicle option. These are what I mean:

  • I think having them editable or being able to adjust them based on era would allow for more immersion and diversity. They could even be locked to specific camouflages too like Abrams desert camo having the ability to swap to certain mechanized unit markings such as:

  • Vehicle Selected: M1A2 SEPv2

    • Camouflage Selected: Desert Basic
      • Unit Options:
        • 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment
        • 4th Battalion, 118th Infantry Regiment
        • 2nd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment
  • Note: Based on one of these selections, your tank will feature the different markings of that unit. This is just an example by the way and may not be accurate. I’m a sailor lol.

  • If anyone wants to make a suggestion on this, by all means. I know there are skins but some of us want to show off our historical uniqueness without being overwhelming. I think it would be a fun feature.

Can’t forget a vehicle….

Iranian 9-Dey Surface-to-Air Missile System:


  • A 6x6 Anti-Aircraft vehicle that integrates an S-Band RADAR and 8x ready to fire missiles, 4x each in two cannisters.

Reminds me of the








Always liked overly large missile platforms so +1

Guys, make sure to use Spoilers for large or multiple images, Thanks!

You can find the option in the cog icon menu image



Btw do the devs ever check out the wishlists?

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i doubt it , it’s more a place were wee can inform each other , so wee can then do the suggestion are-self’s

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to give more info :
(i had takken this from the reddit page of the person who had done reaserch on it , with colaboration of the museom where the turret courently resides , the post was made in october 2023)

" First, for those who may not know, the Meroka is a 12-barrel 20mm system that was originally designed in three variants: Naval (a successful CIWS), towed, and self-propelled (for use in land vehicles). One unique feature of this system is that it functions like a shotgun, firing the barrels in salvos with milliseconds of delay to avoid the resonance phenomenon, creating a cloud of bullets that dispersed at greater distances from the target. Another particularity was its reloading system, which was done pneumatically, so if a projectile didn’t function or was defective, it wouldn’t jam the barrel.
In 1961, when the development of the BMR began, CETME (the company that created the Meroka) saw an opportunity to introduce their system into this vehicle, creating the self-propelled Meroka, a variant of the system for use in land vehicles. Alongside the self-propelled Meroka, a twin 20mm barrel turret was designed to create the BMR A.A., an anti-aircraft variant of the BMR. It was planned to mount these two turrets on the BMR 3560.2, a BMR prototype armed with a 20mm cannon and a TOUCAN turret. To achieve this, it was first decided to test the stability of the Meroka system on wheeled vehicles, which was done by mounting the system on an AML-60 Panhard [the second photo, you can see the turret on the back right dismounted just after the tests]. However, studies showed that the BMR might not be suitable for mounting the Meroka system, so a decision was made to create an aerial variant using the VEC chassis (a reconnaissance vehicle whose chassis is derived from the BMR and is often confused with the BMR itself due to its former designation as BMR-625 VEC). Since the VEC chassis was too narrow to accommodate the system, a special VEC chassis was built to house the Meroka system; however, it was never mounted and I have been unable to find photos of that chassis.
In 1980, shortly after Chrysler S.A. created the M41E (a variant of the M41 Bulldog with a coaxial MG-42 machine gun and a more powerful engine that did not succeed), they considered creating an anti-aircraft variant of the M41. Initially, they considered arming it with Mauser cannons of 20, 25, and 30mm, but later, they also considered mounting the Meroka system. There is a discrepancy between sources here, as one source says that no drawings were made, while others confirm that there were drawings with the Meroka system mounted. This turret was supposed to be equipped with acquisition radar and fire-control radar.Neverless no prototypes were ever made cause the army dislike it. The reasons all these anti-aircraft variants failed, first the disappearance of CETME, but also the lack of investment in them, and the fact that the Meroka was not a good system to be used against anti-aircraft fire, as its effective range was only 2 km.
Regarding the Meroka turret for the Pizarro that never was mounted, the turret located at the Infantry Academy in Segovia, I have not been able to find any information about it. If you want to see this turret virtually, visit this page (íaVirtual), where you can find it. You can also see the original photo where I found this turret on this page (Visita a los museos de la Academia de Artillería de Segovia - Noticias Defensa Galería)."


Developers will read a number of threads of interest, im sure this would be one of them… it is always handy to know what people are interested in seeing

Community Managers / Admins will also pass on threads of interest to the Developers too

But, Suggestions are always being considered for implementation by the Developers once they have been passed on by Staff too

And really, Suggestions have a better chance of being looked at by Developers or Staff even if they have not been passed on yet, because again Devs would be looking at suggestions that players have made that may be of interest and looking at the support that those suggestions have picked up by fellow players and see what is being said

Devs do reply to some threads as well, at times you may catch a post made by Developers… but really for the most part they may just look around and read posts, since sticking around answering comments can take valuable time away from development… hell even I get stuck for up to 6 hours trying to help out the community or just doing Moderation… so, it can be very time consuming and that would take time away from Development

But… as you may have seen Community Managers also spend a butt load of time speaking on behalf of the Developers as the CMs interact and send information back and foth


I want Ragdoll physics for M18 commander.


That man is chiseled, he ain’t going to ragdoll…

This is him under his uniform


Gotta love some unique BeNeLux plane, hope to see it added in the future as an early jet.