Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

I can’t think in the future next premium pre-order pack fighter aircraft in rank 8 for USA tree but might hope better F-20A Tigershark and guess would be 12.0 or 12.3 BR

Not really, we got alphajets recently why not to implement more trainers
Just please not to russia

Just not to russia please
L-159 is fully western plane

It’s not about the presented vehicle.
It’s about the poor reasoning for asking it to be added in the US tree.

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US wont get it since its operated by a private company.

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Every post turns into an argument about who should get it.

Only I should get it tbh


Oh yeah i realise thats pretty poor reasoning
I am taking it back but i still think that hungary can use them

sometimes i dream of Aster 30s


and then i ask myself wtf is wrong with me for being obsessed with that thing in particular

I swear I’ve seen this before, I think it’s a vickers turret of some sorts but don’t quite me on that.

As I wrote, I like that the turret is similar to the fv183)))))))

They could theoretically add the FV215, right? The chassis is in the game, and the gun too, so the only thing left is the mockup turret, but that’s like the remaining 1%.)))

The chassis is not in the game. This is a conqeror hull with engine in the front. This modification doesn’t exist.

AIM-9P3/4, S & M for the Taiwanese and US AH-1W

ROCA helis with their early AIM-9P3/4’s.


the Romanian mig 21 lanceR in premium rank 7 in the Italian tree would be great



It’s AML time !

AML 20 (1x20mm):

AML s530 (2x20mm):

AML HS30 (1x30mm):

AML 60-20 serval (1x60mm mortar, 20mm):

AML 90 SS11 (the one you know, with 6x SS11)

AML 90 Mars (Mars turret)

And there is some others but i’m stopping here for now :p


Is this that cannon on falcon and AMX-30 SPAA?

Same family of gun indeed, dunno if it’s exactly the same or some variations/upgrade of it.

Edit : 30 mm HSS 831A for both, it’s the same.


And here with a cool amphibious kit:


GAZ-68 / KSP-76 - SU76 sport
Br 5.0


Potential rank 8 premiums for the USSR


The MiG-21-97, also known as the MiG-21 Bison or MiG-21 UPG, is essentially a reengineered version of the MiG-21-93. Instead of the Tumansky R-25-300 engine, it now features the Klimov RD-33 from the MiG-29, resulting in a 17% increase in engine power, up to approximately 8250 kgf from the previous 7050 kgf. Moreover, the RD-33 is lighter by about 150kg and consumes significantly less fuel. The major upgrades include a new radar system capable of launching modern Radar missiles like the R-27 and R-77, along with enhanced avionics that support newer IR missiles such as the R-73.

  • Radar: Phazotron Kopyo (Spear) airborne radar
  • Engine: Klimov RD-33
  • Maximum speed: 2,230 km/h
  • Guns: GSh-23L twin barreled cannon with 250 rounds
  • Air-to-Air Missiles
    • R-3S/R-3R/R-13M/R13M1
    • R-27R1/R-27T1
    • RS-2US/R-55
    • R-73/R-73E
    • R-77
    • R-60/R-60M
  • Air-to-Ground Missiles and Rockets
    • Kh-25MP
    • Kh-66
    • S-24
    • UB-16-57UM
    • UB-32
  • Bombs:
    • FAB-100
    • FAB-250
    • FAB-500
    • OFAB-100
    • KAB-500Kr LGB
    • ZB-500



The MiG-23-98 upgrade program aimed to enhance the capabilities of the MiG-23 aircraft. A single MiG-23MLD was transformed into a demonstrator for this program. The upgrade included replacing its avionics with components from the MiG-29SMT and upgrading its radar to the Moskit-23, which was based on the MiG-29 M’s radar system. Alongside improved avionics, the aircraft’s Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground weaponry options were also modernized. While the standard MiG-23MLD could already deploy R-73 missiles, the MiG-23-98 was upgraded to be capable of firing R-27s and the active radar homing R-77 missiles.

  • Radar: Moskit-23 airborne radar
  • Engine: Tumansky R-35-300
  • Maximum speed: 2,499 km/h
  • Guns: GSh-23L twin barreled cannon with 200 rounds
  • Air-to-Air Missiles
    • R13M1
    • R-27R1/R-27T1
    • R-73/R-73E
    • R-77
    • R-60/R-60M
  • Air-to-Ground Missiles and Rockets
    • Kh-25MT/ML
    • Kh-29T/L
    • Kh-31
    • S-24
    • UB-16-57UM
    • UB-32
  • Bombs:
    • FAB-100
    • FAB-250
    • FAB-500
    • OFAB-100
    • KAB-500Kr
    • KAB-500L
    • ZB-500