Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Hell tf no

Just a exaggeration :D calm down

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It was a joke

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Don’t hurt me like that :(

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It has a Perkins powerpack so British tree it is

There was a proposal ( idk if it existed in metal) from french companies for a russian T-90M to recieve french 1200 HP engine and transmission with 33 Km/h reverse speed.

Still want an Iran tree.

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Make Iran & Iraq combined tree. Cause chaos

Is that the experimental T-90 with the cvt transmission ?



Turkey+Iran TT could work if we overlook politics

I expect gajin add jet trainer/light attack aircraft (9.7 or 10.0) from domestic Italy & export to UK (SAAF)

They could add a plethora of trainer/light attack aircraft, at least one for every tree, hoping to see them more after the Alpha Jets

I assume jet trainer/light attack aircraft 10.0 BR it’s Aermacchi MB-326K and Atlas Impala Mk.II

I guess jet trainer/light attack aircraft 8.3 or 8.7 from domestic italy maybe Aermacchi MB-326E & MB-326G

The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV)
Br 7.3
EFVDesign (1)

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Nope, this was russian experimental transmission, it was suggested for a number of vehicles and wven put on different T-series, yet it wasn’t massproduced or adopted.

What I meant is french company suggestong an idea of using french powerpack with 1200 HP engine.

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I was mistaken on horsepower, it only goes up to 1100 HP.
The powerpack wasnt adopted as no materials on it’s work, etc were provided.
Engine TMZ 866.10 with ESM-350 automatic transmission.
Russian engine, french transmission, in one powerpack.

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L-159 ALCA for “Hungarian” air tree
It technically can go to usa tree because american rookies are training simulated battles against them. They call them "Honey “Badgers”


I hope this is another joke 😭


They leased one for 2, or 3 years, but they did order L-39NGs.


it would actually be the oposite really , it makes more sence for USA to get it , or the russian’s with the CZECH conection (as much as it would anoy me more than anithing) and the UK

Appart from that part , could be a nice implementation