Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Plz add su30 and mig 25

nah … considering BWP-40 can only be added as non-standard tech tree vehicle … have you seen the amount of USSR prototypes that are left to be added and can be added?
just a few examples :

Object 781 sb.8/ Object 781 Option B
In simple terms: an up-armored BMP-3 or an early BMPT.
A turret having similar armament as BMP-3 but with MBT level armor. Chassis based on T-72.

Object 781 sb.7/ Object 781 Option A
Similar chassis but different turret/armaments. 2x manned 30mm gun pods/turrets. One pod also had dual Konkurs ATGM launchers

BMPT variant “B”
Based on chassis of Object 934 with a low profile unmanned turret featuring a radar sight, a double-barreled 30 mm 2A38 (2500 rpm) and dual Konkurs ATGM launcher.

Now … do you really want a polish BWP-40 over these unique vehicles in the USSR tree?
Hence I suggest: Stop cluttering the already cluttered USSR TT with post-Soviet Eastern European prototypes. Add these unique Soviet prototypes instead.


I want this little thing :D


Those actually looks like a cool additions…and extremely annoying to face.


Japan experimental 105GSR


Wouldn’t mind as long as it’s a event vehicle.


T-84 with Drozd APS


Nice tanks, it would be good to see them in the game

Cromwell to russia? czechoslovak independent armored brigade, tank named “RADHOST”

It would be very interesting to see this in game

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…a copy paste medium tank at a BR range that USSR is least lacking in…?


It was just some idea for premium ussr tank

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if you wants to play cromwell play UK


Anything that plus the hole in tier 3 ground. There are whole BR regions having no vehicles or only having specific types in every single tree.

Also resolve the odd BR/tech ratings for some vehicles that differ between tech trees and normal/premium vehicles.

I see your firefighting MLRS and raise you a T-34 with a pair of MiG-21 engines for a turret:


o yes , the 2003/04 version sent to the USA for testing if i remember , does look neat

Imagine gaijin puts them in the U.S. tree as an event/premium. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised

I’m pretty sure the USSR had lend lease variants, so they should get them.

Used for testing seems to be enough for Gaijin, look at the Swedish T-80U and Mi-28A.

But i dont know if it can be in ussr since independent battalion fought in dunkirk alongside brits

LTP-38 ussr tree with peru flag
It was czech export tank with various buyers like the swiss or latin america