Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

It’s a mortar so nope

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It can fire forwards unlike most mortars and it has potent HE so it’s addition is possible. Also it can fire some HEAT rounds if i recall correctly from a Spanish firm

No HEAT, but guided top attack ammo, which is not suitable for game.
And HE’s explosive mass is low.

How potent HE are we talking about?

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3.4 x 1.31 = 4.4 kg TNT
Almost useless

This provides anti-tank ability, but hardly work in WT.
It should be fired to the tank’s top, and the seeker will search enemy by itself when falling.



GAJIN BETTER ADD THIS(Joke but would rlly fit in the tree ngl)

Yes, lunch by the gun, and no thrust power.

that defnitively goes in my list as one of the weirdest weapons i’ve seen, a fire and forget mortar

In fact, it’s normal, not strange. Most modern cannon and MLRS have Terminal Sensitive Projectiles. Usually little mines with seeker and control parts. When fired, the shells fly above enemy tanks and spread many these little mines so they can lock on enemy tanks and destroy them.
For AMOS, it has just 1 large powerful mine, the shell itself, that’s the only difference.

I think I saw it on a leak list recently; probably gonna be another gaijin cash grab, hopefully not, because it is need badly to fill the 6.7 gap.

Yes, and it’s on display at arsenalen, just look it up.

BWP-40 to ussr with polish flag
Its basically old bmp 1 with cv90 turret, it looks cool and ussr players will like it


Hehe…no…not to USSR…f*ck that


Why not :(

USSR doesnt need Polis or any other Warsaw pact nations vehicles.


There is czech praga and mi24

Having and needing are two separate things, USSR absolutely did not need those additions, yet received then because of ??? reasons.