Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Insert hopium for the greatest fighter jet never built:

(F-20 is easily my favorite plane to ever exist, would love to see it added but it wouldn’t fill any tech tree gaps so it’s likely it would be a event vehicle in the far future.)


Why? Malaysia was British colony so it can be premium. Malaysia is geographicaly near to Japan and China. So i think that one of that 3 TT can get it.

Arsenal of democracy for every TT. Maybe Abrams will be a new sherman.


USMC ACV-30 with KONGSBERG MCT-30 Turret


I hope to see:

  • Tracked Rapier RCM784
  • CVR(T) Family:
    • FV101 Scorpion
    • FV103 Spartan (CROWS-J)
    • FV120 Spartan MCT
    • FV107 Scimitar
      • FV107 Scimitar Mk. 2
    • Sabre
  • FV721 Fox
  • FV703 Ferret Mk. 2/6
  • FV712 Ferret Mk. 5
  • FV601 Saladin
  • Stormer AD (Blazer 25/30)
  • M109A3
  • Overwatch ATGM Vehicle
  • Warrior CSP
  • Boxer A1
  • AS90
  • Desert Warrior
  • Challenger 1 Falcon

When active radar missiles are added to the game I would like to see some upgraded third gen airframes. I’m thinking stuff like the MiG-21UPG, Cheetah C, Kfir C.10, F-4F ICE, etc.


(MiG-21UPG “Bison” as owned by the IAF, generally very similar to Russia’s MiG-21-93 prototype which I would also like to see)


(Atlas Cheetah C, derived from the Kfir with its own fun tricks (I’ve got a suggestion pending for this one))


(The IAI Kfir C.10 has both precision strike capability and advanced air-to-air missiles including the Derby and Python 4/5. The Block 60 upgrade also includes AESA radar replacing the already impressive pulse doppler array shared by the Cheetah)



(The ICE is arguably the best of all of these, due to its superior radar and higher raw missile capacity. However it is a Phantom at the end of the day)


I expect gaijin add modern 3rd gen fighter with active radar homing MRAAM and potential close 4th gen fighter with active radar homing BVRAAM

Mirage F1 MF2000 it’s demonstrator of Mirage F1EM VI (RMAF), and IAI Kfir 2000 as prototype of Kfir C.10



Leclerc T4


Panzer 87-140



Object 477



M4A3E8 Sherman Thunderbolt VII
Premium, Rank 4, B.R. 6.0

A lot of other nations have some variant of the M4 as a premium, some countries have a 76mm version. The US, surprisingly, does not have a BASE Sherman premium easily accessible to players. Yes we have the Cobra King, but I’m meaning 76mm versions, and yes the Ram II and T14 are there, also not 76mm versions, but those were enhancement projects, I want to stick to base Sherman models. I believe the Thunderbolt would fit in at 6.0 nicely, especially after they moved the T20 to 6.3, as it’s very similar to the base Easy 8 albeit with a bit more frontal armor also making it a tad heavier, however not as much as the Sherman Jumbo has. I would totally buy this for 25-35 dollars or so, and I’m genuinely surprised the US hasn’t received a premium 76 Sherman of some sort by this point.

Sherman Thunderbolt driving down a street in Europe

1:72 scale model of the Sherman Thunderbolt


Hey guys, a problem. I find 2 pic showing a much more completed 152mm tank, with a welded turret and improved hull armor that similar to obj 187. But also named OBJ 292. What is this?


Edited pics, old 2 are edited(by soviet officials? to hide the commander’s viewer that similar to OBJECT 477 )


I think this is just a mockup tank. The final production variant could have looked like this one.

I updated something. It’s completed than I think, more than a mockup. And this pic, which show the structure of 292, is also this completed one.

Unfortunately I doubt that the ICE will get the IRIS-T.

Same as the PR didn’t get its historical 9Ls.

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The 292 in this pic is what we have in game, but what I found, may be the true completed 292.

These two first pictures are mock up of what 292 was going to be.

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A friend told me that it’s a model made by a Russian student? Some kind of fake picture.

This photo was also shown on the Russian forum by every person, but absolutely no one knows where this photo came from and whether it is real.


I like most of all how armored warfare thinks what a completed ob 292 should looks like))))

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From book about 292, IIRC it was just a showcase how it would end up looking.