Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Btw, what happened to “it’s fixed”? Last week it dropped Wednesday.
Really waiting for those new br rotations to go live in EC.

Its different, I don’t completely hate it though.

Looks like we’re already getting the one of the prototypes! Nice!

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the PT-91 Twardy could be added in an event like that of object 292

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Ok, but to what nation? (be carefull, one wrong answear and poles will get you)

well in the Russian tree, just like a Slovenian M-55 in event would be in the Russian tree, I don’t see the problem

You think it’d be simple considering M1 AIM went to America and the C2 Mexas went to Germany, but nah, we have a Swedish T-80U and British T-90S Bhishma.

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You are about to get eaten Alive by someone in any moment

That’s for different reason. Normally, a vehicle goes to the tech tree that most related, in tech or in nation. But when a tech tree need somrthing, like British needs a new vehicle, but there are enough challengers, so you need find a not so related but related one, here comes India T-90S, same for T-80U.

Could of given the Arjun would of made Russian mains less angry

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I don’t think it’s worth angry, like you already get a t-90a in tech tree, why fight for a similar T-90S. But I’m not encourage this copy paste thing, it’s not welcomed, but in some case like this it’s ok to make an exception, but Swiss T-80U is a bad idea.

I want F/A-18 to perform cobra.

It simply doesn’t make sense for the British.
It is in no way a British related vehicle and India uses more ex-Soviet equipment nowadays anyways.
There were so many alternatives, but they chose to give UK something that isn’t even related to them.

Also, it’s a Swedish T-80U, not Swiss.


Germany most likely

It’s better than USSR… I guess?

We already have Leo 2PL in the german TT so it’s the best place to add it. Adding it to ussr would surely upset some players.

PT-91 is something considered more Polish than other MBTs. Kind of like indigenous. So adding it to Germany is gonna upset the Polish folks. Same for USSR.
Leo 2PL on the other hand was upgraded in partnership with Germany … placing there was kinda acceptable.


Twardy was bought by Malaysia. So i think it can be British or Japanese.

Makes about as much sense as putting a Jordanian Chally or Saudi M1A2 in the Soviet tree…