Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The same place milan is for france. SoonTM

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if its anything to go off of with the challenger 2 rework, you wont get much of an improvement

bit off-topic but those are interesting speeds… did we know about this?

I understand, but the only countries you can play ok are Russia, Sweden, Germany, the other countries suffer


Hey what about my abrams, i love them especially after the unnecessary reload buff, they are goated

Only thing america suffers in is low IQ premium teammates

I mean only the armor

Nope not even there, idk man armor is nice but i dont have a problem outside of a 2s38 using aphe on me lol or occasionally a 292. Or my dumbass pushing to aggressively and fighting 3 dudes at once lol.

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You kind of need armor to contest objectives in top tier. The reason the US loses so much against Russia, Sweden and Germany at 11.7-12.7 at the moment is exactly because those nations can take so much map control with their armor and/or survivability (spall liners).

Now of course the DU hull armor won’t change much in the general scope of things, because the turret ring will still exist, but it would at least punish bad aim.

I guess this is off topic, but I just wanted to reply.


No its def understandable, though i wont lie spall liners imo was implemented poorly, i think it was a bad/unnecessary addition. Also F16C go brr. Seriously though that thing is not fair play it smart and pantsirs have a hard time though definitely takes some understanding of maps and how to fight them. Ill agree armor is a big thing but so is reaction time and knowing how to pick and choose targets. Also not getting gaijined lol.

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Can i ask if the setting fuel in slider every game is normal or its just a bug?

Mobility is also a massive part of top tier (its why the british players have been begging for a top tier IFV for years at this point ) if you can get to early game spots before the enemy can you will most likely win the game, but losing those spots often decides the match pretty early unless the enemy team is full of one time spawns

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Yeah mobility is huge, and im hoping britain gets ajax or that cv90 chasis with their turret on it. Itdbe fun to have more ifv for them.

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“but we gave you 2 Challengers with better engines, what more mobility could you possibly want?”

hopefully we don’t go another update without a tech tree A-6E

probably will tho

Actually, probably wont be next update.

Assuming ARH is June. Good chance it will be something like the F-15C or AV-8B+ for the US TT next update as they’ll be ARH carriers.


Morning lads. What’s coming in the next update? Any leaks yet?

I heard we’ll get Smin as a playable character


I bet he comes with the EAP.