Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

could’ve used the AlphaJet as an ECM testbed


So should we expect rank IX planes with arh missiles coming in the next major update? I only hope the rank VIII Premium planes will not be all copy pasted.

F-105s also have the capability, I assume they aren’t ready to focus on ECM stuff yet. There has been talk here and there about SEAD capabilities but nothing further than what the QnA said about it.

barely got enough rank VIII planes to allow for a new rank

I mean the QnA said early ones aren’t useful and that’s it

both would be kinda nice to have tbh

Looks at Japan rank 7 lol

japan is more of a bamboo pole than a tree tho

I don’t see why ARH would need a new rank. Seems to me like most Rank VIII jets are ARH capable anyway…

some, not nearly most

Gaijin once said that they will not sell top rank vehicles. But now we got a rank 8 F-20. So I suppose that the rank 9 is on the way

I hope planes like su25tm or av8b+ could get arh missiles . It is interesting to see how subsonic aircraft use arh missiles I think XD

on a sub sonic platform the same missile will be much worse in performance

or well rather at slow speeds in general

Didn’t Gaijin clarify along with the announcement that they now restrict premiums from being top BR, not rank?

Somebody quoted that as fact on the previous thread though I haven’t seen the evidence.

It seems odd to move on to Rank IX, there’s so much more to add in Rank VIII.

Besides, the most logical next additions (F18, F15C) would not be substantially higher in performance than the vehicles already in-game.


Yes, I know this .So these planes should get lower br. And then they can use arh missiles to fight against sarh missiles which was equipped by supersonic planes at the same br.

yea idk if I wanna see a Harrier at 12.0 tho

Oh yah wasn’t there a much needed HESH buff on the dev server? Did that come?

Or is it another thing delayed.

Iirc smin replied in last update’s R&R that that rule is out of the window already.


was there? I don’t remember one

I do remember they said those were unreliable. I would imagine both features would go together regardless before they start testing stealth characteristics.