Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

God I’d love ASM gameplay for many aircraft. Given the recent overhaul for naval targeting by missiles. I reckon we could see them very soon.

Though too often things seen in those trailers never come to the game.

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Didn’t WTM just teased the idea of New nations ?


yea but WTM is getting all the stuff we want on Regular thunder

they got submarines, Aircraft carriers and F-18s already

Where f-18 in WTM?

They really need to add a Leopard 1A3/4 at this point, cause I’m not aware of the ADF using any A1A1s lmao

I do have to question why the Japanese F-4? Wouldn’t the US F-4E be a better option, considering they where literally leased USAF F-4Es?

That’s a fun fictional skin ig? Not aware of the RAAF ever even trialling the Harrier… Why not a Sea Venom or A-4?


Definitely not there yet, the highest aircraft currently ingame is the Vautour ( killstreak in ground mode, not researchable ).
The Q-5A was in the files at one point, but has been removed for the time being.

Maybe bc the EJ is a closer visual match to the RAAF 's early standard F-4E 's, w/ no Agile Eagle slats and other equipment. Or they’re just throwing a bone.

Yep, seems like it’ll be the first fake vehicle livery to appear in MoV unless I’ve forgotten something.

This would be a strange one too as most MoV would have a pack unless they are gonna make the MK.II return as one

possibly, I’m just a bit “huh”. Left field ig?

The worse one has to be the Grant like barley anyone plays the US one.

There are currently no reports on this, other than a suggestion report regarding PL-8s. So reports are welcome if there are sources to support the claims that it cannot use them.

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Though they might just not add the Harrier Gr.3(AUS) skin at all, and it could just be there in the files bc it was part of the artist commission for a pack of vehicle skins.

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TBF the UK one is an Event vic that’s too much for what it is, the US is cheap and accessible via GE (also a bigger cut to gaijin due to GE over GC) I guess?

Would be a shame if it wasn’t added though.

They could just add it without direct ties to the event as a regular GE skin.

No, the only place it can be found is in untrustworthy diagrams.

It can carry PL-9Cs though, giving it the ability only through technicality.

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Where is it, can I see it?

This is a model. They also have a model of the JF-17 using the PL9C. Besides, they will not display the PL-8B model


Yes, it demonstrates compatability through the pylons used though. It is also a much clearer photo than others

PL-9C, PL-8B pylon look nearly identical. Both missiles are most likely compatible with each other’s pylon.


Finished writing out the post abt the WTM aircraft carrier control revisions for those interested:


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