Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

still waiting for muh Boeing F-15’s

eventually all 8 remaining major F-15 variants (not japanese or israeli) to US

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Hopefully, Gaijin will be able to give us a Su-30MK2 in the second version this year.Anyway, I’ll make a wish first.

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Hopefully this will be applied to every nation and not selectively.

Some KF41 variants same with KF51 should be added into the german tree since those specific versions are not used by any other country in the game. Instead of making them italy/ Hungary exclusive cause they ordered and are gonna be in service as other variants


Fly high go on bvr fights with ppl

U right all tho in late game there is a good chance to dogfight
But u can bvr fight with ppl and thats a lot of fun

I think that if somehow a Mig25 were to ever become a premium pack, Gaijin should use a similar picture as a reference to this fake photo

Where’s the “more super early missiles” option?

BVR isn’t fun at all, you just wait for radar signatures to pop up, then you launch and wait.
If your RWR goes off you start to turn and dump chaff.

Wow, such engaging gameplay…

And then its a fight who can notch quicker and to re-engage to fire another fox 3 and if both players know what they are doing they should marge at the end in a df(unless there is another player)

Only problem in top tier is too many players

I’d be surprised if they make accommodations before introducing 5th gen jets

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Fewer players per match would definitely help, but that doesn’t change the fact that unless you are into BVR LARPing the process stays incredibly dull until you get to merge.

Idk, I’m only in the community since a month or so I don’t know how the devs work yet

Well I’ll just list you the changes made to ARB since I started playing 4 years ago:

  1. Increased map size (wasn’t at first and was a huge issue)
  2. Added small team sizes option for 10.0+
  3. Increase base respawn timer from 30 seconds to 5 minutes
  4. Remove air spawn from high tier bombers

Mind you when I started playing MiG-21bis was top tier, not F-15E. And the game is still the same.

Devs don’t touch game modes unless they absolutely have to, or if the there is a direct monetary benefit (increasing base respawn timer)


God I miss that couple of days where bases respawned in a few seconds. It meant that pretty much everyone could get a base instead of fighting over them. I still believe that it wasn’t a bug and it was just a tease at what we could get.


More teamkills for bombing bases please

Thats the skill and fun part too
who get to notch faster and lunch again and it doesnt take too long if u start from 40km u shouldnt go more then 3 times until the merge

Maybe u doesnt enjoy it but ik many ppl do

The Air Tree isn’t the most fascinating thing but about half of these aircraft have undergone extensive modifications to improve their capabilities, for example like the Indian MiG-21, the Italian F-104 ASA or Israeli A-4N.

The Air Tree will be like Israel/China, the Ground Tree however has far less CnP that’s why the United Korean TT is meant to be for Ground enjoyers.

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In which most could fill holes in the US ground tree at top tier


The post says that it’s a Rank II premium, is this a correct information? Because French one is Rank 3.


You say that like there aren’t any other options.

M1134 (Striker -AT)
M1296 (Stryker Dragoon)
M1287 (AMPV-MCV)
Sgt.Stout (IM-SHORAD Increment I)
M3A4(XM913) Bradley (OMFV) demonstrator
Griffin II or -III
M10 Booker
M109A6 / -A7 Paladin, or M1299

to name a few.