In which most could fill holes in the US ground tree at top tier
The post says that it’s a Rank II premium, is this a correct information? Because French one is Rank 3.
You say that like there aren’t any other options.
M1134 (Striker -AT)
M1296 (Stryker Dragoon)
M1287 (AMPV-MCV)
Sgt.Stout (IM-SHORAD Increment I)
M3A4(XM913) Bradley (OMFV) demonstrator
Griffin II or -III
M10 Booker
M109A6 / -A7 Paladin, or M1299
to name a few.
What are they lacking at top tier?
Aside from that they still have many options available, why add South Korea and minimize them to 10-15 vehicles when an TT of 80+ vehicles (NK/SK) is possible?
I am extremely upset with this BP. I waited almost 3 months for at least a new exclusive ship, and they shoved a box at me with the fact that I already have everything. In addition, they also cut the number of ships to 3 and shoved a tank in there… In the marathon they even gave a tank instead of a ship and now they threw it out with BP… Thanks snail… 3 months of binge now waiting for a normal BP. It’s sad, extremely sad :(
cant wait to emote on premium noobs in the future with there F4s phantoms in fokker triplane
Brother I just don’t understand it either since the BP you actually have to pay for and yet reward wise it’s the most rubbish of all the events
at least prem vehicles.
On this forum it still says rank III.
It also says rank III on the website.: [Development] Battle Pass Vehicles: SB2C-5 (Thailand) - News - War Thunder
Where did you see a “rank II” text?
Just overall vehicles, you get more better vehicles while doing nothing at all I.e squadron vehicles
A Hispanic TT would be awesome, but I guess Gaijin has other plans.
BP has 2 different functions, one is providing low br unique vehicles, another is providing non-unoque but good-grinding vehicles
though gaijin often failed to get even one function
“Celebrates the French Legion”
Doesn’t include any unique/symbolic vehicles employed by the Foreign Legion.
Nailed it.
Would love to see one of the crackheads that go to top tier and get kills with low tier stuff. I want to see a Sopwith Camel win against a Rafale
good battle pass for france and japan players
oh i remember i had a small model of a plane like this when i was a kid, good days
i started my CAS career since i had that model plane lol
i remember i did dive attacks on hypothetical enemy tanks with that model plane lol
Trophy containing previous ground vehicles
Get vehicles from past Battle Passes or events: Type T-51a, Voroshilov, LVT-4/40 or Type K-8 No.13
3 out of 4 of those are boats Mr Snail. There is no vehicles, it is vehicle xD
Yeah, the ERC 90 would have been top pick for a Foreign Legion themed BP.
I’ll be honest, the ERC 90 should not also come in a BP like the 2 EBRs before it. We currently have 2 majorly important vehicles of French armoured history behind a BP already, we don’t need a third one. (Imagine if the wiesel variants were only-BP)
If it was to be an ERC 90 with some unique camouflage and clutter on the outside then it could be OK, but we’d need a tech tree ERC 90 before that.