Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

MAWS on the Mirage 2000 series should not have false alarms. // // Issues

This has been sitting for a little while.

Primary sources show that even IR based MAWS can differentiate flares from a threatening source (missiles on a trajectory towards the aircraft). This means even missiles that are not heading towards the aircraft can be ignored.


Screenshot 2025-01-19 130648

This is a temporary solution for a temporary session as opposed to a permanent option that doesn’t reset every time you start a new client.


I think we can all agree gaijin seems to have bit off far more than they can chew considering how many things for air are place holder esq, gripen C radar still not even being the first radar ever put in a C. CAPTOR-M on the EFT, MAWs, ect ect id like for them to take some time and iron out these problems.


Generally the sources in this report are not entirely conclusive, with both stating

“with a low false alarm rate”

Not, no false alarm state.

Flares fired in the direction or close proximity of a target are treated as projectiles in game. So it would need to be fully conclusive in that a flare fired in the direction of a system or in extreme close proximity (such as in your clip where its much closer than any general incoming projectile would generally be) do not trigger such systems.


Whilst you are here, are Denmark and Norway subtrees to Sweden or in the same boat as Czechia?

Currently the only sub tree nation for Sweden is Finland.


The source stated that they first observe the threat trajectories and only alarm when it’s a threat. This means that there does exist some false alarms for missiles which can have approximate threat trajectories coming towards you or in your approximate direction. Flares do not travel in any forward direction however.

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Sadly the sources are not fully conclusive about the effect of flares or similar heat signatures in extreme close proximity. So thus far based on these materials, this is why the Mirage 2000s system spesifically has not currently changed. Should more conclusive information be located by the devs or anyone else, then its entirely possible it can change. Just based on the current information, flares are treated as heat source IR projectiles in game which trigger MAWS systems.

This would also only apply to the M2K, not other systems unless they were shared.


The thing is, this is not a balanced vote, AIM9M is worse than R73 which may imply AIM9X needed whilst R77 might indicate R77-1 to counter AMRAAM.

Currently ingame however the maws can’t “observe the trajectory” of the flares which the source is conclusive about. Flares don’t really travel. I would understand if it sends alarms when a teammate behind you launches a missile to a target in front of you (false alarm).

Do you think its likely their vehicles will go anywhere else?

More so a general question of vehicles like the NM116 and the M41DK considering they are both originally US vehicles but modified for our respective nations army. I could understand gaijin giving them to the US but would be fairly saddened by not having the Danish M41

Isn’t the Scandinavian TT (the Swedish TT) a thing?


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This one’s kinda alright

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Not officially announced, but I assume in this case it’s probably just a matter of time until they are. We already have nations with multiple subtrees, Sweden will need them going forward and they don’t really make sense going anywhere else.

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Could there be a chance where Sweden get a region sub the same as tbe Benelux ?

As Nordic vehicles will look strange outside of Sweden


Its so cursed


Our flags dont match pls stop, it makes my eyes bleed


I hate this

Not until i see it confirmed by the snail

I’m up for a challenge ;)

Pls. I beg stop this, all of our flags are different, you cant just push them together

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