I hear Crocs are edible, in case you were looking for recommendations.
Figures i could get like a Clog and just sand it down like salt on food and eat if over the course of a year
Seems like a bit of a cop-out to me
Technically im still eating a shoe, besides we can work out the details if the wager ever comes true lmao
sure thing
Will we ever receive the wing drop tanks for the phantoms?
When hell freezes over yeah
The report for it has been accepted for over a year now, so who knows when they’ll get around to it, I’m guessing like with a lot of things, they just don’t care enough to prioritize it
Czech Republic / Czechia is not a sub tree of any nation in game. М53/59 was simply a gap filling SPAA most applicable to the Soviet tree at one of their most popular BR ranges. Equally the premium Hind D and Su-25K are simply the export versions used by them, that would ultimately not go to any other nation currently in game.
I suppose F-22A (e) in 2005 ~ 2006 is pure air superiority, none AIM-9X and guided Air-to-Ground armaments
Battle rating 14.7 or 15.0, I’m not sure
Cant disagree more
Idk why ppl hate tt so much its way more intresting then climb for 3
“way more interesting”
While flying at sea level trying to avoid missile spam and trees, constantly spamming flares and etc.
I mean having the option is nice, they just need to decompress the lower tiers a bit, I don’t want to have to fight F-104s and MiG-19s and Ayits in my MiG-15bis
Which should come first, newer IR missile additions or more advanced fox-3s?
- More advanced fox-3s such as AIM-120C, R-77-1, etc.
- More advanced fox-2s such as Python 4, R-73M
You just don’t get a good dogfight anymore.
With everyone having missiles you just get 3rd partied anytime you try and slow down to merge.
The more we go up with advanced fox 3, the more we will desesperately need new gamemodes and new maps that will be far too late anyway.
Advanced fox 2 could still, “fit” the game, and will be still less boring compared to maneuvering even more during the game.
Also, the Fox 2s we have in game are significantly older than the Fox 3s we have, both IRL and in game, it would be nice to see IR missiles make a comeback, right now they just feel a bit useless, for self-defense only
Since Gaijin still hasn’t implemented a way for maws to differentiate flares despite bug reports, you can grief your teammates and make them waste their flares early in the match @Smin1080p_WT
I agree, I might even say that fox 3s will still get majority of kills despite more newer IR missiles.
Currently the only system reported (that I am aware of at least) is the Eurofighters DASS system, which should be PD based and not IR based: Community Bug Reporting System
Right now, all MAWS systems are IR based. We do not have a PD based system available currently.
Other than this system (DASS), MAWS with IR systems are activated thermal signatures. This includes flares which are a thermal source that can trigger MAWS systems.
You can bind a key to disable this and activate it immediately should your MAWS begin dispensing in situations you do not wish for it too: