There is a seperate report open on F-16Cs helmet and it was not denied, just converted to a suggestion. It remains open.
It’s always possible to see jets (and aircraft as a whole) from all eras. But right now we don’t have anything specific to announce at the moment. We are still a little way from new vehicle news :)
The report stated that tactical datalink is not in the game. However, A-10C does have that tactical datalink in the helmet in the game at this moment, so the inconsistency still exists.
What is the ruling in regards to A-10C having tactical datalink in its helmet?
Oh well. Thanks for that.
Just sad that it’s always top tier that’s getting filled up and most of the other additions are filler, which I’m not against but of the current thai aircraft only the F-5T and F-16 OCU are the unique mods, even if they’re still wrongly modelled in a few ways.
Just hoping the devs aren’t forgetting about the older stuff too. For example, defining the block number of the F-4E and missing weaponry for a lot of others…
The A-10C having IFF was intentional unless there is otherwise something to show it should not have those features. As I said, regarding F-16C, there is an open report for that.
As long as the missing weaponry doesn’t put the plane in a worse position/massively change it, or invalidate other planes, then planes should probably get it.
I mean, they’ve implemented a double BR system so if balancing even after considering that fact is a problem then I just give up lol.
Is there any insite we could get on how choices are made for which bug reports are prioritized?
There are generally a myriad of reasons depending on type of issue, existing queue, planned model reworks and ongoing research etc. There isn’t generally a single answer to provide here really. It’s quite a complex matter.
pulled a fast one on ya
The report showed that the A-10C was having IFF using tactical datalink, which developers said is not yet in-game. Could you please pass the report?
My bet is on the French M46 then. Literally checks those boxes.
Unless of course the trollface takes it into another league entirely lol
Well no need to look far since this issue was fixed for Soviet/Russian aircraft soon after “Alpha Strike” came out.
There is nothing new in this report to pass. The A-10C has the features it should have and there is a suggestion open for the F-16C to receive HMD/S features. The Devs are aware of it.
That’s the problem, developers said those features do not exist in-game now (tactical datalink). The report is talking about inconsistency.
This answer was given some time ago. As I said above, the issue of what the F-16C is missing is known and there is an open suggestion on it. Comments on the A-10C were already passed at the time. There is nothing not already known in this report to pass.
The dive bomber could be the A-36 used by RAF
So probably a french sbd?
I fear that one of us is misunderstanding something.
The A-10C got its datalink IFF feature first before the F-16C.
The F-16C then had datalink IFF feature reported for it.
Developers responded that datalink IFF does not exist in-game (but this contradicts #1).
I completely understand that the F-16C has an open suggestion for datalink IFF for when tactical datalink arrives into the game, but this doesn’t answer why A-10C has datalink IFF when tactical datalink is not yet in the game.