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The F-14B with 9M’s would be pretty ok at 13.0 but definitely not the best 13.0 aircraft.

The AV-8B Plus with 4 x AMRAAM’s + 2 x AIM-9M’s, F-15A/F-15J/Baz with 4 x AIM-7M’s + 4 x AIM-9M’s/AAM-3’s, Su-33 with 8 x R-27ER’s and 4 x R-73’s, JA37Di with 4 x RB-99’s and the JAS39A with 6 x RB-74M’s would be far better than the F-14B with AIM-9M’s.

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You might want gajin add another low tier to mid jet fighter aircraft (1st & 2nd gen fighter) from post world war II (1940’s ~ early 1950’s) until early vietnam war (mid 1950’s ~ early 1960’s) rank V ~ VI. Sure ?

I might hope at least 8 MBT could received new APFSDS after decompression BR to 12.3 for ground vehicle mode (this month) in the first major update

Except all of those either lack a fox 3, or have a completely garbage airframe. Also the gripen with rb99 is 13.7.

See if the AIM-7 is as bad as you say, and the AIM-54 is so much better, then why would you give up 2 AIM-54s for AIM-7s?

time to grind Iranian chieftain

Because they pull harder at close range. They’re still the worst bvr missile regardless of their close range utility.

Shir means “Lion” in persian language,

this tank was the last order of iranian army before fall of the shah (1979)
this tank never delivered to iran after that

very nice excellent rare tank


Ok, what exactly is this vehicle?

It looks like a Challenger, but it’s described as an upgraded Chieftain!

modified challanger 1

for iranian army

Aim 7f is the worst? What when did skyflash somehow become better than the 7f?

skyflash is at 13.0? or wait the gripen. you’re right. so second worst.

This is the Challenger 1 prototype.

Good thing low tier ground is easier to milk lol

its a special version for iranian army and for iran’s environment

special version of what?

Gripen only gets 6 (4 for skyflash and cant carry CM pods) pylons so it has to trade 9M for skyflash, honestly not that surprising most people forgot the A considering how mid it became after a patch lol. IMO the best 13.0 is the SU-27 R27ER and ET with R73 has been my comfort jet and of the 13.0’s that were the original top dogs gripen is the weakest bunch, realistically id just avoid the gripen at all costs at 13.0

I’d say the AIM-54 is the 3rd worst after that though, I’d definitely take the R-27ER over it any day

iran army still use chieftain, during the Shah, iran army was one of the best 10 armies in world but right now its weak

R27ER is just fast and insanely good at turning at its higherspeed, imo its better than R77

i dont know, i think modified chieftain or challanger 1 or a mix of them lol

abrams of america was a better choice but some relations with british companies and some iranian powerful mans in 70s ended with this tank lol