I think we might still see some new airframes, maybe stuff like a Hawk or the A-4M that was in the files. For older airframes we might see the F-14D be added or something similar.
Or maybe some new helicopters like the ACH-47, H145M. Or maybe the AW101 Merlin, UH-1Y Venom, the AH-56 in the files, or what I personally hope for the armed V-22.
No it does fairly well. I don’t know why people either dismiss or simply forget that it has the best SARH missile in the game which is still a lethal weapon. Ive seen matches where its sitting with 15 plus kills over F-15C/Es, Grippens, Rafales, etc. It handles its own quite well.
A-4 and F-14 are already in game, they’re new aircraft but not new airframes, same with the J-11B and JAS 39E, they’re already there they just need tweaking
Which is irrelevant in the environment of Fox-3/ARH saturation. No matter how good R-27ER is or are you had to babysit it all the way through, giving opponent plenty of time to react
then every other ARH missile in the game needs to be nerfed into the ground because Russia’s by far best SARH missile can’t “compete” with the new generation of missiles
They can do the same while guiding a fox 3 in as well, which usually forces both parties into the notch. Only difference is you have to regain the lock to keep the r27 going where as a fox 3 will just use its own radar.
It’s far easier to defeat an R-77 than it is to defeat an R-27ER. Even in Typhoon if one is launched at you within 8km you have to work hard to avoid it. Chaff doesnt decoy it and it is receiving data from the mother ship. The R-77 now in IOG when on terminal, can be notched and chaffed and you can just pull up or dive and the missile will lose track
I don’t know if you are aware of this but Air Realistic Battles arent very realistic. In Sim, its an incredibly lethal weapon that outpaces just about every Fox 3 in speed. Which matters when threats can, and often do, come from a wider range of angles. If you can get a lock and let one off before I can do the same to you, then it doesn’t really matter if you have to maintain lock or just fire and forget.
Im not saying dont give the Russians a new plane. Pop off king. I just don’t buy the BS that the Su-27 is so bad that it justifies the Su-30SM. Sounds like a textbook skill issue to me.
I’m aware, but it only really works with 2 conditions met, 1.you have terrain to use which isn’t true for most sim maps, afganistan is about it. 2. you’re fighting people who aren’t working together to find you. In general the superior avionics matter the most in sim and the su27sm’s are beyond dog water. The radar alone makes the bugged eurofighter radar look good. Perhaps the playstyle would be more viable if they increased the render range to beyond about 12km or so, but as of rn its not very strong.
Or they just find you first due to superior radar, launch a fox 3 at you and you’re just stuck defensive until they kill you. I’m not saying the ussr needs su30sm, but they do need something better than the su27sm. Mig29m/k is another good option that probably wouldn’t push the envelope to much either. You’d get the better avionics you need at top tier but you’d still only have 8 missiles, with up to 4 of them being r27er/et.
TLDR: Will we get a 2025 roadmap? No, but we plan to talk about the progress of development more and report on our plans to add certain features and vehicles. The roadmap might return in the future.
That whole post was weird. It was like 90% “We understand X is an issue and people would like to see Y and Z come to the game. Will we do any of those things? Maybe but we won’t say. We are just acknowledging it and won’t commit to a forthright answer.”
Quite possibly the worst CM disclosure they’ve done. I imagine arent getting a roadmap because they don’t want to be on the hook for anything anymore. Dont want players to have something to hold them to and to utilizie vagueness as much as possible.
“We never said we were going to do this/that/both”.
Transparency is a pro-consumer thing. Which is something to avoid at all opportunities.
Transparency is the main point of the CM Disclosures series. We detail things way ahead of when they would have otherwise been announced, provide details about things not yet finished and still deep in development and give a heads up where possible about new features and whatever information we can reasonably detail ahead of time.
All 4 have had a lot of open views into development and upcoming features: