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Naval rework would be great


I did no such things, just said you don’t understand what it did.

No you actually did not:

You only stated that you believe they are better Fox 3s.

Well if you have nothing left to say have a good one. Just don’t be disappointed when it does not move down.

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what has been “proved”, that the AIM-54 is better than the Derby? You’ve still only made one point about range, in all other circumstances the Derby is better, that isn’t a debate, by your own argument the AIM-54 is the best missile in the game.

You keep talking about stat cards like that has any bearing on this, you don’t need 30,000 matches to have an opinion, and just because you have more play time doesn’t make your opinion any more correct.


i literally quoted the part where i said it???

if the kfir should go down to 12.7 because derby is apparently mid, then why is the mig29 smt 13.3? two extra missiles?

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It’s the time of the month when everyone argues about missiles in R&R. Next month it will be nation mains arguing about sub trees.

How many hours do I need to have an opinion? what is the cutoff? It’s not like I picked the game up yesterday.

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thats something to talk about aswell, but rn my point is about the C10. not saying other planes are good at their BR, just rn my topic is the C10

Stop stat shaming people. Just because they have played less matches than you doesn’t mean that they dont know anything.


TF are you on about, why are you arguing for a more compressed matchmaker?

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The C10 is fine at 13.0 though, there are planes that are better than it at 13.0 and planes worse at 13.0 already.


what we need is a huge br decompression for air
15.0 br is kinda needed so we ca separate planes with fox 3 and planes with fox 2 only and fox 1


We could get to 15.0 by just decompressing 12.7.

16.0 is achievable if you pay attention to the mess that is 7.0-10.0.


Visegrad tech tree mentioned 🙏

Will never be seperate. Aircraft like the Sea Harrier FA2, Viggen Di, F-14, etc are all weaker than the top performing SARH and IR slingers like the F-16, F-15A, Su-27 and Gripen A.

Yeah, the way to do it is to structure BR brackets so that the worst vehicle in the range actually stands a chance against the best, and that has to happen all the way down to 1.0, which means decompression, or a 0.7 matchmaker, personally I like the 0.7 matchmaker as it is universal and would likely only require small BR changes on awkward to balance vehicles like the F-104 and A-10

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USMC hornet, AN/APG-79v4 radar, AIM-120D-3, AIM-9X block 2 vs Kfir C10 block 60, AESA radar, I-DerbyER, P5?

Yeah, 0.7 I think would work better than trying to spread vehicles out excessively.

With the current BRs I think 0.7 would be fine for top tier, just need to spread 7.0-10.0 out as well, which will natually push everything else up


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