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This comes down to 2 simple factions in the community. Those who like mixed battles and those who don’t.

Again, I put an explicit statement that it’s not a suggestion and not viable for the game the very first time I brought it up, specifically to avoid this silly worthless tangent.

If you acknowledge that it’s a bad idea, why are you advocating for it?

Asymmetrical balance is a thing y’know? The Russians get a solid overall lineup, with good CAS, the best SPAA, and average tanks. This evens out into a decent but pretty balanced lineup. If you let anyone pick the absolute strongest in each class, it would obliterate any sense of enjoyment or anything that isn’t pure meta following

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I did not say “bad”, nor am I “advocating” for it. If you didn’t understand this, it’d be best to drop this tangent.

Playing devils advocate even for something you don’t agree with still advocates for said thing.

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It can be, but even when done well (which is much harder) it’s still strictly speaking less balanced.

If there’s a meta, that simply means those “meta” balance issues need to be fixed, not covered over with a bandaid.

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That was not a thing either. Again, if you don’t understand something, don’t try to make up arguments against said thing that doesn’t exist.

What I actually said was that more options within a lineup offers more diversity, not less.

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Most of the time those issues can be fixed by fixing issues with the vehicles of others which is a whole different problem

Yeah you never said you were advocating for it.

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OK, I see what going on here.

Does everyone here think Relictic is the main WT game mode?

Well, a Snail doesn’t think so. If you go threw what Gaijin has said and done you quickly realize Arcade is WT’s main game mode. Heck iirc Gaijin has outright said it itself before. And honestly, I can see it, you need to download the anti-cheat to play anything else and why would a casual player do that? Simply put they have no reason to so they stay put.

Some things about Arcade:
It’s 24/7 mixed battle
There are no nations.

It’s why additions feel like additions for other game mods feel like an after thought.

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interesting thought but I base my opinion from this

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Advocating for freedom of choice, yes. Meaning more diversity added within trees (aka what some people call “copy/paste”). Which is what this topic was originally about.

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Diversity is only good when it doesn’t deteriorate the tree, which is what unnecessary foreign additions do.

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well, some people have been counting server replays, and that info says that the most played gamemodes are firstly air arcade, then ground arcade and only after that air and ground realistic.

But it is correct that there is no ‘single’ gamemode.

Mixed battles has been a thing since 2016 for GRB, but hasn’t been as present since more nations and more players are added. Only in ARB I have had the most non-mixed battles over that last 8 years.


Indeed, and Ground AB is objectively WT’s most popular mode (despite it seeming overwhelmingly like Ground RB if you only look at the vocal online community).

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The opinions of those who got more active in the community than just casual, and a dev having to send a neutral comment?

I’ll take my opinion of family and friends I’ve tried to get to play WT, and would only do it casually (they never left Arcade) and didn’t get as involved as me.

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And we’re back to meaningless buzzwords.

Don’t play vehicles that don’t appeal to you. It doesn’t matter what they are beyond “doesn’t appeal to me”.

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Whether or not I want to play them is irrelevant. I still need to grind them.

How would foreign additions deteriorate a tech tree? Like the addition of the Dutch MBTs?