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120C and R77-1 should be added and the performance of PL12 should be repaired

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I fully believe Gaijin will just rather “fix” MICA EM’s range to keep it AIM-120C level, shorter range still but greater employment envelope/maneuverability.

Because trees have more than just that particular vehicle, naturally.

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i mean isn’t aim120c like 130km max r77-1 110km ? mica would be more than unusable if so, normal one best can do is 80km.

I don’t mind C&P, but I do mind how it’s added: Simply put it’s inconsistent.

Like Gaijin is willing to C&P a vehicle said nation might have had like 20 of, yet the one they used thousands of is missing. Heck, this last update is a perfect example of how inconsistent with is two C&P possible vehicles, where one everyone got and the other we barely got half.

As for sub-tree C&P, I don’t fault the sub-tree nations themselves, it is not their fault they are getting stuff they used. It’s how Gaijin views sub-trees, a quick and easy way to buff the host tree with little effort and how the sub-tree system is currently implemented. And wouldn’t be as big of an issue if the tabs/folders thing was already in the game.

As for “uniqueness”, I disagree, TT represents the nation, not the industry. After all, they are also called national trees, not industry trees.

Yes, some of the additions have poor implantation(but this loops back to that much-needed sub-tree rework) but said additions would allow you to make line-ups of just that nation and that’s great.

WT is a line-up-based game, with almost all of its modes having you bring a full line-up. This is something often overlooked and forgotten, with these arguments.

I know my biggest wish/thing I’m fighting for is to be able to use the stuff my nation is the operator nation for together and it’s the same with many others and their nation. So it hurts seeing stuff that would have made wonderful line-ups together be ripped apart.

Uniqueness/useful to other nations vs Being able to use said nation’s vehicles together

When boiled to their basics this is basically every agreement on the forums and definitely every one about C&P. It’s those who think trees should be unique/represent the nation’s industry vs those who would like to use their nation stuff together(and those who support them).

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You could easily had achived both by just putting sub trees in the main nations rather then creating 3 minor trees to give them all leopards.

And said tree could have easily just been a sub tree.

ARB polls part two now that 6 more months have passed?

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What no more PTSD causing RWR, count me in !

Its the French tree. People play it to play French tanks. Why would they want a German tank?


citation needed followed by assuming everyone plays with your personal motivations.

Being able to have mixed lineups is awesome, I love having more options. You’re free to play only the domestic French vehicles if the others don’t interest you.

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Might aswell get ride of TT in general then. Just have a mashup of all nation mix and match.

That would be the ideal, though of course not at all a viable change to the game at this point (would utterly break progression/premiums/etc).

Ideal? That’s the worst case scenario.

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They want WoT in WT.

You get any combo of options you want for your lineups, that’s very much the best case scenario. You want to make a full lineup of only domestic French tanks? Go ahead! Want a French, Chinese, and Swedish tank? You can do that too!

More choice is better.

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Which is one of the many reasons for separate nations being better. You get the freedom to choose any of the nations rather than being forced to play an illogical melting pot.

Nope, I have zero interest in HP bars, weird accuracy circles, or any of that other non-technical-realism silliness.

WT’s core strength is being a sandbox of technically-authentic vehicles to play around with. WoT is very much not that.