bro uk and iran was too allies before 1979 (the time iran bought scorpion) lol dont be mad
current government does not represents iranian people
tell me you dont like a scorpion with TOW missile??
like wiesel
allll nations players would beg for it lol
I’m not angry. It just seems strange to me to add absolutely everything to UK.
Iran can hav their modification in other TT, or in their own TT.
scorpion is UK-made tank. iranian army main vehciles was british, the chieftain is still the main tank of iranian army
As i say, Helio turret
25mm bushmaster + TOW
it have tow? then its good
but that scorpion is able to carry maybe 8 tow missiles like wiesel
I do like India as a subtree, but I understand why people are against it. I think introducing subtrees with actually unique vehicles is better though, and India has that more than Jordan, the Tejas makes a really good squadron vehicle, like the JF-17, the SU-30MKI can be made very unique and would carry on from the now dead Tornado F.3 line, the Jaguar IS would be nice to have, as a modernized Jaguar with ASRAAMs, then you have ground with the Arjun, the Zorawar light tank, the NAMICA TD and the SPYDER SPAA, all of which would be great additions to Britain. All of these things make India seem like a better subtree than something that uses a smaller variety of vehicles that are quite similar to things Britain already has, subtrees should add something new, not just be more of the same.
india as subtree of uk make sense because of their close relations in the past century
iranian vehciles make sense too, like SHIR2 currently is in the event
I am engaged in a project “Unrestricted commonwealth Tech Tree”
And its already raises many questions, like:
Why you include so many Nation?
I’m very glad that you appreciate the vehicles of Iran and want them to the game. But i really unsure that they will be added to Britain.
one of them already is here lol SHIR2
yes we know iran army never operated it because of 1979 events but what was the reason behind making SHIR2 lol you already have got one iranian tank enjoy
I mean there have been very rough points in our shared history, however the current trend is to form stronger bonds between our two countries, and there is an obvious connection between Britain and India, though a similar one between Britain and Jordan as well
relations between two countries must be good, close and great and long
like india and UK
The only Iranian vehicle in game right now is in the US tree, and it wile would be fine to add one off premium/event vehicles of Iran to Britain, it shouldn’t be a subtree, we’d have Australia and Canada and Jordan and Saudi Arabia and a whole bunch of other nations before Iran, not to mention Iran makes more sense as a Soviet, US, or Israeli subtree over Britain.
Addition of not same but absolutely Soviet stuff it is Not unique.
Look that i mean modification from Jordan.
Britain does not have anything like it.
yes we know iran never operated shir tanks but iran ordered them. i mean we can tell it iranian vehicle.
and its a fine tank. look how good it is and how it will help UK players at 9.7
The flag nation is the important thing though, and there are no Iranian flagged vehicles in the British tree
shah of iran ordered a car to mercedes benz and they have made G-class for iranian army, but iran army never operated them because of 1979 events
(picture is a recently g-class vehcile armed with missile launcher)
you are british too?
And Jordan as you said has Leclerc and Centauro, as well as M60 and F-16s, so US, French and Italian stuff that’s not unique.
The thing with India is that you can mostly ignore the Soviet stuff, I mean the Bhishma is already in game, and the Super Sukhoi is quite unique, the rest of the Soviet stuff you can pretty much ignore, unless there is dire need for it.