Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I want a chinese end reward since the last one we say was years ago with the M64, either that or an israeli plane but i don’t see that being likely after kfir event and recent sholef

Sure but as far as which is likely to come first, I would still assume the F/A-18 and the J-15 will likely come much later

They can always add any aircraft whenever they want, we can still make predictions though and guessing the J-15 will come before the F/A-18 is a bad prediction

J-15 shouldn’t be far off in capabity at all, gaijin is just scared of adding chinese flankers because they are outright better than russian ones (and we know how that ends on stuff like the forums)

F/A-18 should come very soon, I think in next update, or no later than mid of the year, it’s been waited for too long. While J-15, is like SU-33 to SU-27, in some updates later after J-11B as something showing gaijin is working on something.

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I want something with canards and PL-8Bs already, i’m tired of the J-11s not being equipped with chinese ordinance


J-15 would be very good, 8 PL-12s and 4 PL-8Bs at the least with an ARSA radar and decent FM, I would still expect the J-11B to come first with the J-15 following though but anything that gets me a Chinese flanker with Chinese weapons would be great.

The F/A-18 is coming first though as it has already been leaked and confirmed

I say C&P for a battlepass is a good thing, as it leaves unique stuff for the TT.

But we also got to hope it isn’t a different operator nations(and likely taking away a major vehicle of its history) if in the US tree, or if it’s somewhere else it isn’t something that would be miles useful in the TT(as the nation doesn’t have a domestic equivalent(or it was key to their history so should be TT))

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J-11B has domestic missiles, any way, J-15 won’t be so nice. It will has similar FM to SU-33, meaning that it has bigger drag and looses energy quickly.
also, 48 CMs

That is possible. P-51D-20 with hispanos used by Israel, and for the tank reward, id like some kind of ZBL08(basic) or other light tanks for China.

if its going to be a sherman and a P51 im going to laugh

Edit: I was disapointed

Much lighter than Su-33 and still possesses domestic chinese avionics equipment, it will complement J-11B but i hope china recieves an aircraft with an ESA radar as opposed to type 1493 (which can be added later on J-11B block 02)

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Is there a source on the CM count for J-15? It’s not just an SU-33 so we can’t assume the CM count is the same

Hopefully they add it with the WS-10B instead of the AL-31 though I have no confidence

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not that much I think, less difference than J-11B and SU-27. and it doesn’t have new engine like J-11B. SU-33’s bigger comes most from bigger wings, and rest from more aoa created by canards. So J-15’s FM will be very similar to SU-33.

counted from photos, the CM blocks stays same.

this should be good enough, since it’s one of the best none-esa Radar.

it must have better ammo than gepard

Will function like the chinese Gepard,
Invisible AHEAD rounds, high velocity, AESA radars, great optics, great mobility and overall a really promising looking SPAAG, can’t wait for it

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its just a game lol you took it too serious.

is it realestic that both mother air bases of two teams are 10km away from a battlefield? lol

also a BIG threat to enemy tanks lol

The point he is trying to make is that it would be to complicated for a player to control the different aspects of multi vehicle sam systems without unrealistic simplification on gaijin’s end


so it’s better to choose the ones that only need 2 vehicles. I think there are plenty