Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I think same 105mm, but one with polygonal sheath another not. 125mm gun is much bigger

Possibly, Very identical from the pictures avaliable far as i can find. Would have to wait for close ups to see all the fine details i guess.

That was like in May of 2024, so probably a lot progress already

What interests me is that the APS is not installed on roof, but go through it, and the side panel(or the entire module) seems removeable. which could means modular design or reloading ability(by shrink down)

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I wonder what’s under the camo net, maybe some 20-30mm chain gun and/or maybe atgm launcher

surely weapon station, ATGM is hardly possibly. the others is possible, including normal 7.62/12.7 or even multi-funtional 30mm.
especially considering that a new 30mm weapon station with a new gun similar to M230 is shown to public in Zhuhai, which has multipal sensors and muzzle coil, suggests it can work like a APS against drones and slow ATGMs

The armor upgrade is internal and if you compare Sepv2 turret to Sep v3 you will see that they had to extend the turret front to fit the new armor package.

Plus the armor upgrade both in the hull and turret has been stated many times in multiple gov docs


People keep suggesting this idea but it feels like they’ve never played sim or thought through how terrible that idea is.

It’ll just go to 13.3 most likely.

If the F-4 with AMRAAMs and 9Ms can be 13.0 then the F-14B with 9Ms and AIM-54s can also be 13.0


Obviously if they were to add helicopters into air sim they need to make improvements. Adjusting BR’s accordingly, adding some new objectives, make AI SPAA less OP. It would need some work but it would be great in the end. Not only would it be fun it would give you a better way of grinding helicopters than GRB or Heli PvE.

I think we can all agree that the game modes need a rework, if they can include a better way to use helis that would be great, they can work for an updated EC for sure, giving them separate air and ground BRs like with aircraft would be an easy enough change to make too

The f4f has a much worse airframe and doesn’t get BOL pods. The only reason f14b is 13.0 now is because it doesn’t have an irccm missile.

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It really wouldn’t though. All that people will do is try to roleplay as a SAM site. It doesn’t help that you can’t even hit heli’s with radar missiles because Gaijin cant code. Fixing heli pve would be a much better option imo.

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It is the same BR as the F15A

Without a All aspect radar and no IRCCM

I don’t think the AIM-54s plus 9Ms are gonna break the game or be unfair


Then why is something like the 29smt 13.3? It’s worse bvr and worse wvr aside from r73? It’s not about being unfair. That br is already the most compressed br in the game. F14b with aim9m should absolutely be 13.3 imo, especially in sim where aim9m is basically free kills if you get close enough. F15a is probably under br’d anyway. the only thing that holds it back is the terrible bvr missile.

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lets just agree to disagree

Not good enough evidence for Gaijin

Regarding FM, not all around performance

Hi @Smin1080p_WT, sorry to disturb

But would like to check why this pretty well research bug report for the Type 10 protection has been rejected?

Are the sources provided not credible enough, not up to standard, or something else?