Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Et is about the only redeeming feature of the su27sm but even then the su34 can carry more though you lose the IRST and HMD.

I don’t know if you are aware of this but Air Realistic Battles arent very realistic. In Sim, its an incredibly lethal weapon that outpaces just about every Fox 3 in speed. Which matters when threats can, and often do, come from a wider range of angles. If you can get a lock and let one off before I can do the same to you, then it doesn’t really matter if you have to maintain lock or just fire and forget.

Im not saying dont give the Russians a new plane. Pop off king. I just don’t buy the BS that the Su-27 is so bad that it justifies the Su-30SM. Sounds like a textbook skill issue to me.

Which is a well known DCS tactic fly low and use the IRST system to bag Blue air

I’m aware, but it only really works with 2 conditions met, have terrain to use which isn’t true for most sim maps, afganistan is about it. 2. you’re fighting people who aren’t working together to find you. In general the superior avionics matter the most in sim and the su27sm’s are beyond dog water. The radar alone makes the bugged eurofighter radar look good. Perhaps the playstyle would be more viable if they increased the render range to beyond about 12km or so, but as of rn its not very strong.

Or they just find you first due to superior radar, launch a fox 3 at you and you’re just stuck defensive until they kill you. I’m not saying the ussr needs su30sm, but they do need something better than the su27sm. Mig29m/k is another good option that probably wouldn’t push the envelope to much either. You’d get the better avionics you need at top tier but you’d still only have 8 missiles, with up to 4 of them being r27er/et.

I just found where they said that:

TLDR: Will we get a 2025 roadmap? No, but we plan to talk about the progress of development more and report on our plans to add certain features and vehicles. The roadmap might return in the future.

That whole post was weird. It was like 90% “We understand X is an issue and people would like to see Y and Z come to the game. Will we do any of those things? Maybe but we won’t say. We are just acknowledging it and won’t commit to a forthright answer.”

Quite possibly the worst CM disclosure they’ve done. I imagine arent getting a roadmap because they don’t want to be on the hook for anything anymore. Dont want players to have something to hold them to and to utilizie vagueness as much as possible.

“We never said we were going to do this/that/both”.

Transparency is a pro-consumer thing. Which is something to avoid at all opportunities.

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Transparency is the main point of the CM Disclosures series. We detail things way ahead of when they would have otherwise been announced, provide details about things not yet finished and still deep in development and give a heads up where possible about new features and whatever information we can reasonably detail ahead of time.

All 4 have had a lot of open views into development and upcoming features:


At the risk of getting in trouble once again…

I feel like there is a hiccup on the meaning of transparency here. At least with the most recent CM Disclosure. It’s not really being “transparent” if the content matter is overtly obvious.

We, as players, are well aware that the new profile card/display/whatever is broken, buggy, missing things and isn’t super liked right now.

We are well aware that helicopters and CAS aircraft are dominating ground battles and that (hopefully) Gaijin is aware of this and is cooking up fixes. And we know more advance SPAA options come with certain complexity that takes time to balance.

We know Gaijin has plans for new nations because the financial livelihood of the game kinda depends on it and we know they will be announced when they are. I hate to say it but we know what nations are at least somewhere on the books given the person who leaked them was dead on for the last two leak lists.

We know Gaijin has some sort of a plan for newer naval vessels and more modern ships because BVVD (I believe it was him) at down and did an interview with some Chinese gaming news publication and was asked that question already.

The only real “reveal” from this CM post was that the Devs AND the CMs were behind the KV-7 event. Thats kinda cool, I guess. It wasnt obvious you lot had a hand in it.

In the case of “transparency” and War Thunder, these CM Disclosures would be far more…accurate? Worthwhile? Viable? If they were follow ups on to issues that Gaijin once covered but left open-ended.

Like the Abrams armor and M829A3 post. Its been what, almost a year since that devblog and you guys said you would keep an eye on the performance? If being transparent, what have you guys learned since then? Has the reload buff improved its efficiency? Does it still need more data? Is there any reasons to not give it the A3 dart? Since we don’t have access to vehicle data like you guys do.

What about the strike aircraft with all-aspect missiles? Considering the fact that the devblog said they would get forward spawns in conjuction with moving up, and they still havent; can Gaijin be transparent on why that hasn’t happened yet?

I personally, and with all due respect, think stating obvious things doesnt fit the definition of transparency.

Where we can follow up on a subject, we always will. This will depend on if there is new news to bring on whatever subject in question for us to talk about. It there isn’t, then sadly we can’t.

It’s a bit dismissive to ignore everything that has been shown in all the CM disclosures and say we dont have any transparency. That’s quite incorrect. You may not personally have found the subjects in this particular one to be, and that’s ok, feedback is always welcome in the comments about what subjects people would like to hear about in the next one. We will always try to keep up with that and what the majority are asking for. Which is exacly where the questions from CM disclosure 4 came from. The community.

I remember already answering you on this late last year.

When we announced the BR changes for all-aspect attackers like the A-10 and Su-25 we said that the forward spawn idea would be looked at depending on how they perform at their new BRs. The majority of people wanted these aircraft to go up in BR in air battles so we listened. The forward spawn concept was a contingency should their effectiveness drastically drop in game. However thus far it has not.

The subject is always possible to revisit if it does drop, but there has not been the drastically negative type of effect that would warrant giving them forward air spawns currently.


I think its more of a “subjectivity” matter. And I am sure we could both argue the concepts of “transparency” versus “validation” but I understand this isnt the place for it as this particular forum has a purpose that I am deviating us on. I appreciate the response and wish you the best of day.

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Project 323 for the Netherlands!!!


Hi Smin,

How was your vacation?
And happy new year!

Happy New Year to all too.

It was good thanks. But good to be slowly getting back Into things.



I love the CM disclosures.
Yet there is something i cannot get my head around.

Some questions that the team has chosen to answer are very obvious.



I get that not every question can be answered - dont get me wrong, but some very old questions still have not been answered yet - like:

  • When can we expect WWII SPH’s like the Hummel, Wespe and Priest?
  • Are there any plans on revamping bombers and how they work to make them more enjoyable and easier to play?
  • Are there any plans on adding bigger bombers like the B-36 etc…
  • Are there any plans on adding AI controlled enemies in naval battles to destroy?
  • When will we get bigger ground maps, like ground-EC? For higher br vehicles, instead of fighting in close combat zones like Sweden, American Dessert, Alaska, etc…
  • Most nations still lack surtain BR ranges and are thus always uptiered to the meta br, despite not having them.
  • Are there any plans on adding more WWII, Cold war and modern SPAA’s in the near future for nations that have still a big gap or lack of SPAA despite having multiple viable options - which have been there for years - like Japan, USA, France, Israel, Italy and GB?
  • Will there be more MLRS systems introduced for all nations?
  • Will there be more different types of battle modes come in the near future?

Just to name a few.


No movran, No EAP question

I smell you typing it

Any chance of the base-bomber re-balance post that was said to be coming? Still unfair the tornados are at different BRs for “reasons”

Or any further news on Challenger 2 improvements. Several items said to be coming in the Dev post for the overhaul have yet to arrive like ammo stowage changes and the list of outstanding bug reports keeps getting longer and the CR2 keeps getting weaker.

And do I even need to mention the state of the Harriers?


A new update “Kings of Battle 2: Electric boogaloo”

Personally the questions I’d like to know are;

  • Will we see more armed trainer aircraft/modern bombers in the future?

  • Could we more single player missions/expanded campaign?

  • Could we see some utility aircraft added in the future maybe with some added objectives? (Such as C-47/A-400M/C-130 aircraft or V-22/UH-1Y Venom to deliver AI to capture points) Would be fun in Sim.

  • Is there the possibility of adding playable helicopters to Air Sim? (Again, drop AI off to capture points or just for attacking ground units. (But first atleast dial down the SPAA aimbot.))

  • Could we see a base bombing rework? (More bases/faster respawning bases/infinite health but bigger bases with rewards for bomb tons dropped)

  • Will there be improvements to AI bots? (Fix for supersonic subsonics, custom battle minimum BR doesn’t affect bots, give bots secondary weapons instead of fuel tanks)

  • Will any improvements to VR be made in the future with the release of Aces of Thunder? (Maybe interactable cockpits, walkaround hangar, general VR improvements)

  • Will we see functional MFD displays for Sim? (Slew controls, proper rendering, better displays for the various TGP MFD’s)

  • Could we see some general cockpit/HUD improvements/fixes? ( I recently made a topic here listing many issues I have found with bug reports that should be fixed however many issues have been reported for years and haven’t been fixed or even looked at.)

  • Could we see convertible RP finally get a purpose other than being a cashgrab? (Perhaps let us use it to skip mods or maybe let us use it for free but at a 50% penalty compared to using with GE?)


Is it possible for other forms off transparency from the devs such as releasing game data (like lichess does ik they are open source but it would be nice) or the sources devs have used to model vehicles